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Social Media Awareness for Parents

(From GUHSD News by former Superintendent Glover)

In the last ten years, digital technologies have reshaped many aspects of our lives. These changes have transformed the way we access information, communicate, and solve problems. The FutureForward Chromebook program was implemented to help modernize instructional practices, but the changes being created by technology are bigger than the classroom.

Our schools want to continue to partner with families to help our students navigate and thrive in this new world. We know that social media, gaming, and other online programs create new parenting and community challenges.

To help guide our teens, the Grossmont Union High School District has implemented a digital citizenship component to the ninth grade technology graduation requirement. Additionally, the Chromebooks issued to all students are filtered for inappropriate content at school and at home.

While these measures help create awareness of potential issues and limit what students can access on their Chromebook, cell phone apps can pose potential risks. Some concerns include:

Your student’s physical and emotional safety is one of our top priorities. Below you will find several resources from the American Academy of Pediatrics related to media use. We encourage you to review these articles and keep an open dialogue with your student about safe technology use.