C組 (Group C) 辦理對象 (School Companion)

(士商) 商業經營科(abbr. 商經科) (Business Management Department) 1学年140人(4班classes)

(昴星)起業創造科(Entre & Creative Department) (3班classes)

企画科(Planning Department) (3班classes)

情報科学科(Information Science Department) (2班classes)

主題 (Activites)

  1. 線上視訊課程(專題)交流 (Video conference – project development)

    • 軟體(software): Google Meet

    • 帳號: 學生每組組長各自建立Google Meet ID (Each student group leader creates one account ID for Google Meet)

  1. 兩校師生互訪(士商+昴星) (Campus visiting and culture exchange, SLHS and KSHS) *新型冠狀病毒威脅趨緩後(after COVID-19 relieved)

  2. 城市探索(台北+京都)(City explore: Taipei, and Kyoto) *新型冠狀病毒威脅趨緩後(after COVID-19 relieved)

  3. LINE 貼圖設計出版 (LINE stickers design and publish)

C組 (Group C) 學生(Students)

(士商SLHS)商經科 (Business Management Department) 學生人數(Students total) : 20

分為C1, C2, C3, C4 共4組 (4 groups as C1, C2, C3, and C4)

(昴星SLHS)昴星MIX(起業創造科, 企画科,情報科学科) 學生人數(Students total) : 9

分為C1, C2, C3, C4 共4組 (4 groups as C1, C2, C3, and C4)