活動時程(Activities Schedule): 時間 (TW)13:15-14:00 (JP)14:15-15:00


VC1 SEP 30, 2021 (THU) (成果Records)

*TOPIC1: 自我介紹、學校介紹(Self-introduction and school introduction) 、產品提案(Product proposal)

VC2 OCT 21, 2021 (THU) (成果Records)

*TOPIC2: 產品設計與開發提案(Product design and development)

VC3 NOV 4, 2021 (THU) (成果Records)

*TOPIC3: 產品包裝與標誌設計(Package and logo design)

VC4 DEC 9, 2021 (THU) (成果Records)

*TOPIC4: 產品行銷企劃 (Sale and promotion)

VC5 DEC 23, 2021 (THU) (成果Records) / KSHS students join meeting from home

*TOPIC5: 城市探索 (City explore) 京都/台北 (Kyoto/ Taipei)

Google meet ID (for all VCs)

B1: eef-touq-xni

B2: ido-mfgx-jno

B3: wyc-xhbw-ghf

B4: bqb-znmy-xfr


視訊會議(Video Conference ) –VC 場地: 圖書館Library

B1 觸控大屏區(Grand touch screen area) + NB

B2 1.9樓(1.9F) 投影機(Projector) +NB

B3 陽光閱覽區(Sunshine area) + AIO電腦 Computer

B4 文創館和室區(Creative spot Japanese style room) + NB + 外接螢幕 external screen


每組: IPAD 2~3台、PC/NB 1台、喇叭1組、筆記本&筆