B組 (Group B) 辦理對象 (School Companion)

(士商)國際貿易科(abbr. 國貿科) (International Trade Department ) 1学年140人(4班classes)

(昴星)企畫科 (Planning Department) 1学年70人(2班classes)

KSHS Crowdfunding Project Page: 台湾産コーヒー、先輩の想いを込めて届けたい!~2年越しに皆さんのもとへ~



The online meeting of Group B students from KSHS discussed with SLHS teacher (Anthony) about the details of crowdfunding. (2021.6.9)


Thanks for all your support!

主題 (Activites)

  1. 線上視訊課程(專題)交流 (Video conference – project development)

    • 軟體(software): Google Meet

    • 帳號: 學生每組組長各自建立Google Meet ID (Each student group leader creates one account ID for Google Meet)

  1. 兩校師生互訪(士商+昴星) (Campus visiting and culture exchange, SLHS and KSHS) *新型冠狀病毒威脅趨緩後(after COVID-19 relieved)

  2. 城市探索(台北+京都)(City explore: Taipei, and Kyoto) *新型冠狀病毒威脅趨緩後(after COVID-19 relieved)

計畫目標:(Project Goal)


Design the products, and then produce the products, and have the experience to sell them in the market to the public.

B組 (Group B) 學生(Students)

(士商SLHS)國貿科 (Internation Trade Department) 學生人數(Students total) : 19

分為B1, B2, B3, B4 共4組 (4 groups as B1, B2, B3, and B4)

(昴星SLHS)企畫科 (Planning Department) 學生人數(Students total) : 9

分為B1, B2, B3, B4 共4組 (4 groups as B1, B2, B3, and B4)