School Counseling Department

The School Counseling Department at Windham High School is available to work with all students on academic, college, and career planning and connect on personal and social issues. Our counselors try to provide services in individual, small group, and classroom settings to benefit all students. They also work with school staff to provide referrals to specialized programs and services in the building.  

Throughout the four years of high school, students at Windham High School will have access to various tools to explore their post-secondary options. We subscribe to Scoir, a comprehensive college and career readiness program that helps students align their strengths and interests with post-secondary goals. In 9th grade, students are introduced to Scoir and invited to meet individually with their school counselor to develop a four-year plan that aligns with their interests. 

The Counseling Staff works with our College and Career Specialist to develop rich programs for students throughout the school year. In the spring, sophomores take part in college and career field trips and a large fair to start reviewing their future options. Juniors participate in the PSATs every fall and are invited to attend regular post-secondary planning workshops during PRIDE hosted by counselors and our College and Career Specialist. Juniors are also invited to meet with their counselor in the spring to plan for post-secondary applications and requirements. 

During senior year, counselors and our College and Career Specialist work closely with students on college applications, as well as meet the requirements of military, apprenticeship, and training programs. Scoir allows our seniors to request and track transcripts and letters of recommendation that are then sent directly to colleges. Counselors also support students through scholarship application and college decision-making. 

Counselors are available for meetings with students and families throughout the school year. 

Counselor Caseload by Student Last Name:

School Counselor Contact Information: 

Mollie Glaus
(207) 892-1810 x2181

Schedule an appointment

Christa Haberstroh
(207) 892-1810 x2182 

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Steve Ginn
(207) 892-1810 x2180 

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Megan Fleming
(207) 892-1810 x2183
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JMG College and Career Specialist: 

Kerry Kowalczyk

Schedule an appointment

Our Beliefs: 

Our Vision: Every student will develop skills that support their physical, mental, and social well-being as they work towards becoming productive and happy adults. Our students will be able to work toward thoughtful goals for the future, persevere in the face of challenges, and maintain a passion for learning. 

Our Mission: The mission of Windham High School’s School Counseling Program is to maximize the full potential of our students as they prepare to enter adulthood with meaningful goals and aspirations. School counselors foster student growth through engagement in authentic, individualized learning experiences. We contribute to a safe, supportive community where every learner gains the skills needed to thrive in an ever changing, diverse world.