for Business Partners

Many Upstate businesses are staffed with skilled workers who are at or nearing retirement age. Some industries are projected to lose half of their workforce to retirement in the next decade, and businesses are desperate for a plan to fill those jobs.

We can help!

Our Work-Based Learning team has spent a lot of time streamlining our processes to make it easier for our business partners. Our new partner site walks businesses through the entire setup process step by step and links to digital versions of our required paperwork, so that supervisors can complete the forms on their own timeline from anywhere.

Ready to get to work?

Visit our new partner website linked to the left to start the setup process!

Celebrating success

We have countless success stories we could share, but here's a look at just a few Work-Based Learning opportunities that have been a win-win for our students and business partners.

My Website Student Success Slides

work-based learning PARTNERSHIPS

Students at Bonds Career Center have the skills and industry certifications you need. By partnering with Bonds Career Center to provide Work-Based Learning opportunities, you can contribute to a more skilled workforce in the Upstate while developing a potential employee who meets your company's specific needs. Work-Based Learning allows you to see how a student fits into your company culture, solves problems, and communicates with colleagues. You determine any of those things when you hire a person from another state who answers a job posting on the internet!

our candidates

First year students (typically juniors) are eligible to intern outside school hours. Qualified second year students (typically seniors) may apply for co-ops, which allow them to work up to four days a week in an Upstate business during their "Bonds time." We require a weekly check-in day in order to brush up on any skills our students need for their co-op job, complete necessary class assignments, and make sure students can meet state standards.

Earning a co-op position is the goal for most of our second year students. It's a privilege students have to earn and not a right of acceptance to Bonds. Many of our students have started their careers in successful co-ops, and many of the companies where they work pay for college directly or reimburse their employees for tuition.

our vetting process

Instructors clear Work-Based Learning candidates before business partners interview them.

In order to apply for any type of Work-Based Learning, a student must have:

· No more than 5 unexcused absences

· No more than 5 unexcused tardies

· No major discipline problems (i.e. ISS, OSS, or expulsion)

· At least an 80 average in his/her CTE course and passing grades in all high school classes

· OSHA -10 certification where applicable

· Teacher recommendation based upon technical skill and weekly Employability Grade which measures soft skills (or professional/workplace skills)

· Parental permission

· Valid driver’s license

· Reliable transportation

· Working resume

*Administrators may make exceptions to these requirements on a case-by-case basis


The state of South Carolina has set guidelines for Work-Based Learning and requirements we must meet in order for our students to qualify for Career Readiness status. Our goal is to set up Work-Based Learning experiences that meet the following requirements:

  • Training plan: an agreement between the business and the career center that outlines a job description and objectives

  • Proof of 40 hours or more at job site: electronic time log, pay stub, or signed paper weekly hour report

  • Positive evaluation: state employability template plus job-specific skills determined by employer and school; prefer to have at least two evaluations to give student opportunity for improvement; student must score 3 or better on a 5-point scale

  • Individual Graduation Plan alignment: Work-Based Learning experience must fit into student's IGP

For a look at a training plan template, visit the Work-Based Learning Forms page.

not sure where to start connecting?

There are so many ways Upstate businesses can get involved with Bonds Career Center and Greenville County Schools. Participating in a single event or speaking to a class about your industry can be an easy point of entry for businesses looking to make an impact. Other companies might want to make a financial contribution to one of our programs or sponsor a student. If you have hard-to-fill positions that require the skills and certifications our students have, you might consider offering Work-Based Learning opportunities. Any involvement from our business community is greatly appreciated! Thank you to the businesses who have contributed so far this school year.

Check out the slide below for some ways you can help.


award-winning partnership

Sandvik Coromant won Business Partner of the Year from the SC Career and Technical Education Association because of the amazing impact it's had on Greenville County Schools. You can take a tour of their Greer Production Unit here.

LaunchGVL is a partnership between Greenville County Schools and the Greenville Chamber of Commerce that provides paid internships for high school students. Those opportunities are available to most high school students and not just career center students. Some of our most successful interns have "graduated" from LaunchGVL placements right into their careers.

David Riddle (below left) and Spencer Reynolds (below right) are successful LaunchGVL interns who turned their Work-Based Learning experience into full-time jobs. Riddle is a graduate of Bonds Mechatronics and Eastside High School, and Spencer is a grad of Bonds Machine Tool and Greer High.

The Greenville Chamber has set up a LaunchGVL website with everything you need to know about the program.

The slides below guide you through some sections of interest on the LaunchGVL website.

LaunchGVL Business page
LaunchGVL business partner slide

interested in PARTNERING?

We'd love to partner with you to help build a more qualified workforce in South Carolina. If you're interested in helping us with this effort, please complete the form below.

questions? Don't be afraid to ask!

If you didn't find the answer to your question on my website, give me a call or send me an email. If your question might help other business partners, I'll add the information to the site.

Michelle Willis

Work-Based Learning Coordinator

Office: 864.355.1093


Pictured left: Bonds Career Center first year culinary students helping business partner Table 301 prep, plate, and serve lunch for the final round of the The Amazing Shake soft skills competition at The Loft at Soby's in 2018.