Woodmont High School Counseling

Welcome to the Woodmont High School Counseling Department!

Follow Woodmont High School! 

Summer LaunchGVL Interns Announced!

The Greenville Chamber and Greenville County Schools have partnered to create LaunchGVL, an initiative to connect high school students with paid work opportunities in Greenville’s high-demand occupations. 

Paired with relevant coursework, students will launch their careers in one of six pathways and enter the workforce and college more equipped to succeed. As participating businesses supplement their workforce with energetic students, they also create a talent pipeline to fill the jobs of the future and close the growing skills gap.

A huge congratulations to the summer LaunchGVL Interns from Woodmont!

Summer School 2024 

Students have two options for online summer school, VirtualSC and GCVSP. Both options are virtual. After reviewing the information below, all interested students are required to complete the High School Virtual Course Application with their guardians. Please email your counselor once you have completed the application. Your counselor will review your application and send you an email with next steps. 

These classes are for initial credit. We will be offering on-campus Summer School for those students needing to recover credit from a failed class. Students in need of on-campus Summer School will receive notification in the coming weeks.


Courses Offered:

Greenville County Virtual School Summer Program (GCVSP)

Courses Offered:

Interested in the Greenville County Schools Virtual Program for next school year?

All Greenville County students have the opportunity to apply for the full-time Virtual Program.  The waitlist application for the 2024-2025 GCS Virtual Program opened at 8:00 AM on Thursday, March 1, 2024, and will continue through 5:00 PM on Friday, August 2, 2024.  To apply, students must be enrolled in Greenville County Schools, and parents must have a BackPack account. **The Virtual Program will not be offered for Specialized/Magnet Programs such as Charles Townes Center, Language Immersion, and preschool programs or the most intensive special education services, which is typically referred to as self-contained programming. **

**If your student is currently attending the Virtual Program for the current school year (23-24) and you want them to participate in the Virtual Program for the 24-25 school year, you MUST APPLY AGAIN.  Your student WILL NOT automatically be enrolled in the Virtual Program for the 24-25 school year.**    

Acceptance into the Virtual Program is not guaranteed just by applying through BackPack.  Student’s grades, attendance, previous performance in the Virtual Program, and schedule/credit needs will all play a factor in whether a student is accepted or declined for the 2024-2025 school year.

The application window is for those who are certain they want students to participate in the Virtual Program next fall. The Virtual Program will be staffed based on this early sign-up. Greenville County Schools will reopen the window during the second semester to create a waitlist.  Students on the waitlist will be scheduled based on space availability in the Virtual Program. 

We will email notifications of acceptance and Virtual Program contracts by February 12, 2024.  Students in the Virtual Program will be scheduled based on grade level and academic record.

Students will be expected to participate daily in live sessions at scheduled times with their cameras on and their faces visible. Those who fail to do so will be marked absent and are subject to truancy consequences.  Exceptions are based on extenuating circumstances and must be pre-approved in advance by a Virtual Program Administrator.  Students accepted into the Virtual Program for the 2024-2025 school year WILL NOT be eligible for Magnet Academies or changes in assignment choice. If a student is approved for a magnet or choice slot after being accepted into the Virtual Program, parents must state their intent by the deadline or forfeit their Choice/Magnet slot. 


Report Cards for 1st Semester - 

Available beginning January 10th

This year, parents will be able to print report cards for their students using Backpack for Parents. Please see the attached instructions for accessing this new feature!

Want to keep up with Woodmont?

Check out the Wildcat Buzz. A new episode drops every other Tuesday. 

Release Time Information.pdf
Release Time Information 3.pdf
Release Time Information 2.pdf

Bible 101 Elective

In partnership with Washington Baptist Church, Sandy Springs Baptist Church, and Bob Jones University, students who sign up for Bible 101 or 102 as an elective are led in an online course studying the Bible by Mr. Carr and Mr. Myers . Every other Tuesday, students enrolled in this course take a field trip to Sandy Springs Baptist Church in Piedmont.

Check out the attached information if you or your student is interested in taking this elective.

School Counseling Program Mission Statement:

We believe that all students have the potential to become productive members of society. It is our mission to be positive role models for students, teaching them vicariously as well as directly. To provide and maintain a safe, structured environment for students to feel safe and to learn. To not simply graduate all of our students, but to provide them with a viable plan for the future. To instill a love of learning in our students so that they will become lifelong learners. To develop rigor, relevance, and relationships with our students and to make learning personal.

School Counseling Department Directory

Gwenn Miller - Registrar



Alexandra Graves - Guidance Clerk



Billie Picklesimer- Counselor A-B



Courtney Garrett - Counselor C-Di



Hannah Southerland- Counselor Do-G



Summer Drummond -Counselor H-J



Sarah Morris - Counselor K-Ma



Alli Brown-Counselor Mc-N



Megan Niekamp - Counselor O-R



Kayla Horne-Counselor  S-Th



Kathy Caldwell -Counselor- Ti - Z



Amanda Mattison - Graduation Coach



Direct Fax Number: 864-355-8697

Bernarie Gaddy-Mental Health Counselor

864-355-0942- nd0222831@greenville.k12.sc.us 


For students wanting to explore test prep , Kaplan offers FREE PSAT, SAT, and ACT PRACTICE TESTS and WORKSHOPS. Visit www.kaptest.com/hsevents to see what is available!

Also try: Khan Academy. www.khanacademy.org


Test Prep for GTC Placement Test

South Carolina Independent College and Universities Guide

Other Tutoring Resources

Khan Academy (through Backpack)-Math, Science, Social Studies and SAT Prep






Purdue OWL
