
At Wade Hampton, you must come to class prepared to learn. There are lots of important things you will need to know to be successful in high school. The main thing you need to know is "How to graduate high school in 4 years." This starts with you knowing the high school graduation requirements in South Carolina. Click HERE to see how many units it takes to earn a high school diploma and how many units of each subject you need.   

Always have a pen or pencil and paper to take notes on. Write down homework assignments and/or check your Google Classroom. Always participate in class and ask questions when you need further clarification. Study what you have learned in class each night by reviewing your notes, reading through your text book, or resource materials. Be prepared for surprise quizzes and most importantly pre-announced tests and projects. Meet due dates for turning in assignments and projects. Make arrangements with your teachers to come for extra help outside of class when needed.  

Click HERE to see the NEW Uniform Grading Scale that is effective starting with the 2016-2017 school year. This shows the numerical points that are awarded for each final grade.

Information about HS Graduation requirements, SC College and University pre-requisites, and grade level placement criteria is also listed in your student handbook/agenda on pages 24-26.

Click on this link "2019-2020 University and College Admissions and Updates" to get Admission and Financial information about various South Carolina and neighboring state's colleges and universities. It is "just the right time" to begin looking at colleges and researching the average GPAs and test scores that their incoming Freshmen student need to be admitted.