
Units of Study



-Whisper, Talk, Shout and Sing


-Holiday Music

-High and Low

-Up and down

-Meter of 2, 3 and 4

-Instrument families

-Loud and soft

-Fast or slow

-Long and short

1st Grade


-Meter of 2,3 and 4



-Holiday Music

-4 Voices

-My voice is an instrument

-Lines and spaces

-Pitches and intervals

-Melodic patterns and intervals

-Notes and rests

-Pitches and rhythms



-Instrument families


2nd Grade

-Steady Beat




-My voice


-Baroque period

-Notes and rests


-Instrument Families



3rd Grade




-Musical Alphabet

-Lines and Spaces

-Melodic Movement

-Classical Period

-Sixteenth notes

-Whole notes and whole rests


-Holiday Music



-Holiday Music

4th and 5th Grades


-Sixteenth notes

-Holiday Music





-Time Periods

*4th: Romantic

*5th: Impressionist

-Instrument Families


-Steel Drums