Student Resources

Forgot your password? You can set up a recovery email or phone number to recover it!

"Where did I put that file...?" Stay organized, and you'll never have to wonder again!

Learn how to spot cyberbullying, put a stop to it, and support friends who may be victims of it.

Learn how to be a good Cyber Citizen, then test your knowledge by playing Interland games!


Cable Wrapping

Chromebook charge cables can get tangled pretty easily! Keeping them wrapped neatly can help prevent this and can help the cables continue to work properly.

  1. Hold the cables side-by side and loop them four times (two times with both cables, and two more times with the remaining length of cable).

  2. Pinch the circle together in the middle and use the attached Velcro strip -- soft side out -- to hold the cables tightly in place. If you do not have an attached Velcro strip, you can use a rubber band to accomplish the same thing.

Chromebook Clean-up

Even if you wash your hands often, you then turn around and touch other stuff, like your Chromebook keyboard or touchpad. Those germs get right back on your hands and are easy to transfer to your face the next time you rub your eye or scratch your nose. That said... when is the last time you cleaned your Chromebook? Look at your keyboard. Do you see crumbs or other "gunk"? When your screen is off, do you see dust and splatters? (Ew, right?!?)

It's a good idea to clean your Chromebook regularly. Once a day is best, but once a week is better than nothing! Here's how to do it:

  1. Remove any stickers other than your name sticker (they shouldn't be there anyway). Germs and grime can cling onto gummy edges of stickers.

  2. Use a sanitizing wipe to wipe down the outside of your Chromebook -- bottom, sides, and top. Open your Chromebook and wipe down the keyboard, touchpad, and screen.

  3. Allow the moisture to air dry. Do not wipe it off to speed up drying! The alcohol in the liquid needs time to kill the germs.


Google Translate is Not the Answer

If you're taking a foreign language class, you may think that Google Translate can be a helpful shortcut. While it can help with some things, the phrase "lost in translation" did come from somewhere! Sentence structures are different between many languages, and some languages may not even have a word or phrase for what you're translating (that's when things get interesting).

So go back and check your notes and the resources your foreign language teacher provided. If you have a question about a word, it never hurts to ask your teacher.