Pursuit of Happiness

Nov 13 - Jan 19

The Pursuit of Happiness

What do we need to be happy? 

Project Overview

Greenspire Middle School is answering big questions related to the pursuit of happiness. 

Social Studies

Students will investigate geography how geography impacts civilizations happiness and survival. What causes civilizations to thrive? They will use their findings to analyze happiness in our culture and region. 


Students will explore the phenomena of tectonic activity on Earth that leads to volcanism, earthquakes, tsunamis, and landslides and evaluate the preparedness needed to meet basic needs and to mitigate injury and death.


Students will be reading about, researching, and writing about different things that are purported to bring happiness. 

Outdoor Ed/PE

In Outdoor Education students will be answering questions about the ways nature makes us feel. What are the ways nature makes us feel? How do we communicate our thoughts and feeling about nature to others?


We will be reading a realistic fiction novel together that addresses how events can have lasting impacts on our lives.  There are many things that affect us and sometimes we need help from others!

Content Standards 

Social Studies



English Language Arts

Quarter 3 Final Products 

Social Studies: Students created a children's books modeled after the popular book series "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" By Laura Numeroff.  Our Books were called "If You Give an Ancient Farmer a Seed". They show how the agricultural revolution led to modern day inventions. See some samples of student work below. 

If you give a Aztec farmer a corn seed…
If you give an ancient chinese farmer a rice seed