History on Stage

April 10 - June 7

Driving Question

Who tells our story?

Project Overview

Students will learn create a performance piece to reflect on two differing perspectives from the civil war. 

Social Studies, ELA and Literature

Students will be studying the civil war. They will be looking at the war through the eyes of different people including, Civil War Soldiers, Slaves in the South/Freeman in the North, John C. Calhoun, Daniel Webster, and Henry Clay.  In ELA, students will be journaling as different characters and will write the script for the plays later in the project. In Literature, students will be reading fairytales told from the villains' perspective and use these ideas to help create their plays. 

Project Milestones


"What caused the civil war?

What was life like for Union and Confederate soldiers?

Why did they fight?

How were the lives of slaves in the South different from Freeman living in the North? 

How were they similar?

What were the different views of leaders on the nature of the union between states and slavery during the civil war?

How do historians learn about historical events?

What is a primary source?

Why is it important to understand both sides of a story?

How can we teach others about the different perspectives during the Civil War?


Graphic Organizer: Similarites and differences from Pink and Say By Patricia Polacco

Mini Report on event of the civil war

2 fictional eye witness accounts(individual product)

Group preformance piece on event