Student Service

Building Outdoor Learning Spaces/Trail Building -Canterbury/GMS woods

In the fall of 2017, we worked on building trails and an outdoor classroom in our school forest parcel between GMS and Canterbury. We were able to complete several main trails and create a large, mulched space for outdoor learning.

In total, we had 7 community members, 5 parents, 6 staff members and 34 GMS and GHS students work on the project this fall. Several students expressed interest in more service activities like this and in other leadership opportunities in the woods. And a BIG thank you to Karla G. and Heidi H. for sharing Garden Club tools with us on those days. Also, many thanks to our GMS custodial, GSD maintenance staff, and our administration for promoting and supporting this project.

Next, we'll continue work on the trails, include our planned classroom areas and also create seating out of stumps or simple benches.

Building Outdoor Learning Spaces -Canterbury/GMS woods

In the spring of 2017, an oak tree was damaged in a storm. Although it did damage the roof of Canterbury, the district was able to salvage sections of the tree to use in a new outdoor learning space near the back of Canterbury. Mr. Mullen began the process with 8th grade volunteers adding mulch and rebuilding trails near the area. We knew we were on track when an elementary student left the playground to come check it out!

Trail Building -7th and 8th graders

Since 2015, 7th and 8th grade volunteers have been working on rebuilding walking trails in the GMS/Canterbury woods as short and long-term service projects. In collaboration with teachers, students used larger branches to edge the paths and then shoveled mulch delivered by Greendale's DPW onto the trails to help prevent erosion. Trail maintenance will be a continual project in the coming years.