Partnership Projects

Eagle Scout Project 2015--Buckthorn Removal

In the fall of 2015, Cole S., a GHS senior, led a group of scouts and other volunteers to take out a significant amount of buckthorn in our HS woods parcel as his Eagle Scout project. He, his family, his troop, the Greendale District maintenance crew and the Greendale DPW were fantastic. The day was intense and long as the entire edge of the forest area is surrounded by buckthorn. We used the cut and stump treat method as recommended in our Forest Management Plan. We stacked the trimmed buckthorn near the school's driveway area. The Greendale maintenance crew helped as well. The Greendale DPW took care of disposing of it as well as applying the necessary herbicide when our work crew cleared out of the area. See photos below:

Before and during the project

After (just a section of the project)