Christmas calendar stories

Calendar stories in search of the Christmas spirit

These are the stories of our students which were submitted in time for the Christmas challenge. The winners have been announced on the school website and have received their awards from Santa. All participants will also receive an award from the Christmas Expedition contest organised by Express Publishing. In the meantime, all calendars have been reset for December 1, 2022

And the winners are:

Christmas Challenge Awards

We are happy to announce the winners of our Christmas Challenge Competition:

First prize winners: Aleksia Solovyova & Aleksandra Ilcheva, 11d, for their Calendar story “The Purrfect gift”

Second prize winners: Natali Tsanova, 12a, for her Calendar poem “The Snowman who was always cold” & Aleksandra Dimitrova, 12b, for her Calendar story “Once, upon a star”

Third prize winners: Georgi Ivanov & Nikolay Grozdanov, 11d, for their Calendar story “Don’t judge and elf by his ears”

Fourth prize winners: Daria Khodakivska & Kamilla Shaykhislamova, 12b, for their Calendar story “The day it rained deer”

It was not an easy decision as there were 22 good entries created by 39 students from 10a, 10zh, 11d, 12a & 12b, so all participants will receive a certificate for their useful contribution. Apart from that, all students who took part in our Christmas Challenge will also be presented with an award and a certificate from Express Publishing in February 2022, as we entered all stories and calendars for their Christmas Expedition Contest and they have been very highly praised for their creativity and ingenuity.

Congratulations to all participants and winners! Keep up the good work!

Awards and certificates will be distributed by the students’ English teachers by 14 January 2022.

Christmas stories to read and enjoy