Welcome to the Churchill Jr. High Counseling Center Website!
Our Churchill Team is committed to providing a comprehensive school counseling program that supports every student's academic, social-emotional, and college and career readiness needs. Whether seeking guidance for academic planning, navigating life's challenges, or exploring future opportunities, we're here to help!
Throughout this website, you will find valuable resources for improving student success, supporting social and emotional well-being, preparing for high school, college, and more. We look forward to working with each of you to make this 2024-2025 school year a success!
- Your Churchill School Counseling Team
Our Vision
Connect. Belong. Achieve. Lead.
Our Mission
Our mission is to prepare each student with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to become life-long learners, responsible citizens, and valued leaders in their homes, communities, and world. To this end, we endeavor to foster a school climate rooted in character, respect, and learning in which all students can realize their full potential in academic achievement, social-emotional and physical development, and preparation for college, careers, and life.
Mark Your Calendar
February 3-7 - National School Counseling Week
February 4 - Talent Show Auditions at 3p.m.
February 5 - Talent Show Rehearsals at 3p.m.
February 5 - Eastwood Course Selection Presentation (noon)
February 6 - Talent Show Assembly at 9:15a.m.
February 6 - Morningside Course Selection Presentation (3:00p.m.)
February 7 - Open Enrollment Ends
February 10 - 8th Grade Field Trip to GTI Center (8-11:30a.m.)
February 12 - Parent Teacher Conferences 4-7p.m.
February 13 - Parent Teacher Conferences 4-7p.m.
February 13 - Suicide Prevention Presentation in 7th Grade Health Classes
February 13 - Course Selection Cards Due
February 14- Compensatory Day (no school)
February 17 - Presidents Day (no school)
February 18 - Student Non-Attendance Day (no school)
February 20 - PTSA Birthday Pizza Lunch (noon)
February 25 - Student of the Month Lunch (noon)
Class Selection 2025-2026
Class Selection for the upcoming 2025-2026 school year has finally arrived! The Churchill School Counselors will be visiting with 5th grade students at Eastwood and Morningside Elementary School this February to provide an overview of class options, required and elective credits, and the entire course selection process. Each student will be given a Class Selection Card to complete at home with his or her parent or guardian. Students may 1) complete and return this card to their 5th Grade Teacher OR 2) scan the QR Code provided at the top right corner of the Course Selection Card to submit a quick and easy Online Class Selection Form. Both options work great - just make sure to do one or the other by Thursday, February 13. Be sure to follow the link to our Class Selection and Course Catalog pages to review grade level Class Selection Presentations, course descriptions, and more.
Choose Kindness!