Head Lice Information



1.  The Graham County School system has established a control program for head lice that includes education, screening and treatment components, and the criteria for being present in school.

2. If a teacher or staff member suspects that a child may have lice due to excessive scratching and itching of their head, then the student will be sent to the school nurse or trained designee and will be checked for the presence of live bugs and nits. If the student is found to have head lice, then parents/guardians should be contacted and the student should go home with written recommendations for treatment procedures. If only nits are found in the student’s hair he/she can remain in school. Nits that are within ¼” of the scalp are considered viable and parent/guardian contact should be made to discuss the need for removing nits to prevent lice infestation. 

The student that is sent home for head lice may return to school the next day provided that:

 (1) A pediculocide shampoo treatment is completed by the parent/guardian for the student sent home with head lice. 

 (2) The school nurse or designee will re-evaluate the student with the parent/guardian present to ensure the absence of live head lice pursuant to school policy. If the nurse/designee sees no head lice, then the student may return to school. The student may also bring in a note from a medical provider stating that the student does not have head lice.            

3.  Absences

a.   The goal is that the student miss the least number of school hours possible.

b.   Absences related to treatment for head lice are excused for the day of treatment and up to 1 day beyond the day of treatment if live lice are still present, unless a medical provider approves absences beyond this time period.  There must be a written excuse by a medical provider explaining the need for more than two missed school days in order for the absences to be marked as excused.