
There is increasing frequency and intensity of allergic reactions that impact students in the educational environment. Parents of a student with a life-threatening allergy must provide the school with documentation from a licensed healthcare provider. This information should include the specific allergy, severity, and medical interventions needed for the student. Also, parents are required to bring in (if required as part of the medical provider's prescribed management plan) an epinephrine auto injector, such as an EpiPen.

Staff who will work in partnership with the parents to develop an emergency medical plan may include but are not limited to: the principal, school nurse, student's teachers, after school care coordinator, First Aid Response teams and the cafeteria manager, if appropriate.

The school system takes seriously its responsibility to take reasonable steps to protect the safety of its students. The goal of Graham County Schools is to increase awareness & communication, to prevent possible exposure to identified allergens, and to create an emergency action plan for allergic reactions.

Click on the forms below to view and print:

FARE food allergy emergency-care-plan.pdf

Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Form

(Use this Form for Food-Related Allergies)

EPI Pen Demo.pdf

Printable Guide: How to Correctly Use an EpiPen


Allergy and Anaphylaxis Form

(Use this Form for Non-Food Allergies) 

23 Medication_Authorization_Form.docx

Medication Administration Authorization Form for Epi-Pen and/or Antihistamine at School

Food allergy meal modification form.docx

Guidelines to Complete Student Meal Modification for NC Public Schools