
When you have finished ...

    • Check over your entire paper. There are six reasons for this:

      1. To see if you have left out any questions you meant to tackle later.

      2. To see if you have followed directions.

      3. To catch careless errors. Note: Don’t take time to recopy answers unless you’re sure they are really illegible. It’s easier to be reasonably neat the first time.

      4. Make sure your answers are complete and that you have not left too much to the imagination of the teacher.

      5. Answer every multiple choice and true/false question. Your guess might be correct!

      6. Do not leave any question blank. Try to write something for partial marks.

      7. Make sure you have numbered your answers correctly.

      8. Make sure your name is on every page.

    • Congratulate yourself for completing a stressful task.

      • Take a break.

      • Do not dwell on your answers or mistakes you think you might have made.

      • Do not allow others to undermine your confidence in your work -- avoid listening to what others are saying about the exam.

      • Move on to reviewing for your next exam or enjoying some well-deserved time off.
