Drug Laws in Canada


Drug Laws in Canada - Doucette



    • Criminal Justice Collection (Gale)
      • Whether studying to become a lawyer or law enforcement officer, paralegal, or for a career in Homeland Security, this collection rises to the challenge. Users will have access to 150 journals.
    • Legal Trac (Gale)
      • Students, law school faculty and legal researchers will all find the legal publications they need in LegalTrac®. Drawing on a wide variety of the most highly regarded legal publications, LegalTrac® provides indexing for more than 1,400 titles including major law reviews, legal newspapers, bar association journals and international legal journals. Each title included in LegalTrac® is selected on the basis of criteria provided by a special advisory committee of the American Association of Law Libraries. LegalTrac® also contains law-related articles from over 1,000 additional business and general interest titles.
    • Teen Health and Wellness (Gale)

This database was developed for teens with their unique concerns in mind. It is award-winning and critically acclaimed, providing curricular support and self-help on topics including diseases, drugs & alcohol, nutrition, mental and emotional health, cyber literacy, family life, sexuality and more. All content is reviewed by leading professionals across fields including medicine, mental health, nutrition, substances abuse prevention, guidance and career counseling.

This full-text database is designed to provide students with a series of essays that present multiple sides of a current issue. The database provides information on 100 key topics of interest to Canadian researchers, with an overview (objective background/description), point (argument), counterpoint (opposing argument), and Critical Thinking Guide. Topics include the environment, human rights, race, substance abuse and many more. The database contains a balance of materials from all viewpoints, including 400 main essays, leading political magazines, newspapers, radio & TV news transcripts, primary source documents, and reference books. It also offers guides to debate, developing arguments and writing position papers. It provides the basis from which students can better understand controversial issues and develop analytical thinking skills.

    • ProQuest SIRS - Issues Researcher (Pro/Con)
      • SIRS® Issues Researcher offers selected article from more than 2000 international sources. Its editorially created content includes analysis and opinions which cover the pros and cons of more than 345 social, scientific, health, historic, economic, political, and global issues.
    • Canadian Reference Center (EBSCO) Grades 11 - 12

Canadian Reference Centre combines Canadian magazines, newspapers, newswires and reference books to create the largest collection of regional full text content available to Canadian libraries. This database includes leading Canadian periodicals and international (U.S. and U.K) periodicals in full text; full text reference books; over 87,900 full text biographies and an Image Collection of over 502,000 photos, maps, and flags. This database is updated on a daily basis.

Includes: Toronto Star, Chatelaine, Maclean’s, Canadian Geographic



    • Health - Salem Press (Password required.)
