The Scout Association has added information to their website about the changes which come into place on 15th September 2020. There will be a one year transition period to enable compliance with the new requirements.
A general overview of what is changing and has links to new Training Requirements, Updates by Training Area and Changes to roles.
Changes to Training requirements for specific roles - this has particular importance for SAS members and also those serving on committees. These roles have new requirements and new e-learning courses members will have to complete depending on the roles they hold.
For full information on returning safely, check out the Scout's guide available at
Please also review your mandatory ongoing Safety and Safeguarding training. If you are out of date or nearing renewal, please complete the online training and send a copy of the completion certificate to your TA or ADC (AT) to get your record updated. Each takes around 45 minutes to complete.
Safety Training:
Safeguarding Training: