MTSS Basics

Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS). MTSS is an integrated school-wide approach which provides a structure for effective instruction, assessment, and support for all learners with a focus on well-being and achievement. It requires the collaboration and coordinated efforts of learners, teachers, families, guardians, parents and community partners in providing the appropriate programs, settings, supports, and services.

A Multi-Tiered System of Supports recognizes the inherent worth of all learners and strengthens the importance of well-being and achievement, inclusive of all learners in our classrooms, schools, and communities

NOTE: Tiers in MTSS refer to services and supports provided to students. It is inappropriate to refer to students as Tier 1, Tier 2 or Tier 3 students. From: NS Education MTSS Quick Guide 2019

All students should be taught in a common learning environment and universal , Tier 1 practices, supports and interventions form the foundation of this common learning environment.

“Throughout Tiers 1, 2 and 3, instructional practices, supports, and interventions are flexible, responsive, and matched to students’ strengths, interests, and challenges relative to well-being and achievement”. Inclusive Education Policy (2019)

Within the MTSS model, it is expected that most of student needs will be met at Tier 1 using tools and strategies (UDL and basic and assistive technologies) that all teachers have available and can easily utilized and implemented with the learning environment. The remaining of students will require more specialized technology provided through Tiers 2 and 3 .

By providing tools for data-driven decision making and access to research-based interventions, Student Support Teams teams will be guided through the assistive technology consideration process. Using the simple SETT Framework, teachers will learn to consider the student, the environment, and the tasks when looking for appropriate tools to support learning. Through training and consultation, Assistive Technology Specialists will support student support teams to provide more involved assessment of the primary users, AT training and ongoing support.