Tier 3 Comprehension

Tier 3 Assistive Technology for Comprehension


Pic Collage App / Cross platform


Clicker Sentences

Book Creator App / Extension / Chrome App

Clicker Connect

Symbol Support

Read aloud picture books and apps

Picture library in R&W4G, Picture Vocabulary Lists in R&W4G

Highlight digital words and have it defined/ picture dictionaries

Proloquo2go (reading activities and core word reading boards)

Edmark Reading Program

Tier3 Assistive Technology Services for Comprehension

  • Assistive Technology assessments
  • Training with teaching support teams, student planning teams and learning support teachers, other professionals, education assistants on various Tier 2 Assistive Technology
  • Consult with LD Specialists, SLPs, Psychologists
  • Tier 2 Assistive Technology implementation support in a variety of learning environments