Tier 3 Writing AT & UDL

(Individualized Assistive Technology recommendations to enhance performance of writing)

Elementary Compensatory

Fine Motor, Spelling, Editing...enhancing output

  • Hand Writing Without Tears
  • Dexteria apps
  • Alternate access to writing tools including
    • switch access with switch interface or bluetooth switch to computer/tablet
    • scanning options on computer or tablet with onscreen keyboard
    • alternate mouse (i.e. trackball mouse) with dwell setting on onscreen keyboard
    • eye gaze with onscreen keyboard
    • expanded (or mini) keyboard to computer/tablet
    • 3rd party onscreen iOS keyboard with strong accessibility options like Keeble Keyboard (enhancing visual and physical abilities)
  • Word prediction with scanning options, touch select or other selection mode
  • Clicker Sentences , Clicker Connect, Clicker Docs
  • Symbol support App with read aloud, Writing with Symbols
  • 3rd Part Keyboard Apps offering text to speech, larger keys, switch scanning, alphabet array, word prediction like Keeble Keyboard from Assistiveware


  • Visual schedules, use picture symbols, Rebus symbols, symbol stix etc. (Boardmaker, Custom Boards App,

Middle School Compensatory and High School Compensatory

  • Student Specific recommendations that might include one or more of the following:
  • Hand Writing Without Tears
  • Alternate access to writing tools including
    • switch access with switch interface or bluetooth switch to computer/tablet
    • scanning options on computer or tablet with onscreen keyboard
    • alternate mouse (i.e. trackball mouse, joystick, chin switch) with dwell setting on onscreen keyboard
    • eye gaze with onscreen keyboard
    • expanded (or mini) keyboard to computer/tablet
    • 3rd party onscreen iOS keyboard with strong accessibility options like Keeble Keyboard (enhancing visual and physical abilities)
  • Word prediction with scanning options, touch select or other selection mode
  • Clicker Sentences , Clicker Connect, Clicker Docs
  • Symbol support App with read aloud, Writing with Symbols
  • 3rd Part Keyboard Apps offering text to speech, larger keys, switch scanning, alphabet array, word prediction like Keeble Keyboard from Assistiveware
  • alternate seating solutions to enhance seating and supports while accessing technology and writing
  • utilize AAC to demonstrate knowledge (i.e. Proloquo2go offers options to send out sentence strips created in the communication board)
  • expanded keyboards that enhances access with appropriate software to enhance writing
  • laser pointers (handheld)
  • mounting systems for iPads/tablets to desk, wheelchair, etc.
  • braille displays
  • alternate cases for tablets to enhance access and durability
  • alphabet keyboard stickers (enhance visual access)

Tier3 Assistive Technology Services for Writing

  • Assistive Technology assessments
  • Training with teaching support teams, student planning teams and learning support teachers, other professionals, education assistants on various Tier 2 Assistive Technology
  • Collaborating with LD Specialists, SLPs, Pscychologists
  • Tier 2 Assistive Technology implementation support in a variety of learning environments