Tier 2 Comprehension

Tier 2 Assistive Technology for Comprehension


  • Picture supports
  • Graphic organizers (hard copy or digital - Kidspiration App/Extension)
  • Read aloud / text to speech with highlighting as it reads / options to reread
  • Vocabulary development / definitions / hyperlinks to outside information or video online
  • Picture dictionaries (R&W4G), Vocabulary lists
  • Graphic ebooks, comics
  • Khan academy (various subjects) online video tutorials
  • YouTube EDU on various subjects with CC
  • Virtual reality technology
  • High interest / Low vocabulary books
  • Raz-Kids, Epic, Newslea,
  • Readtopia

Middle School

  • Graphic organizers (hard copy or digital - Inspiration App/Extension)
  • Read aloud / text to speech with highlighting as it reads / options to reread
  • Vocabulary development / definitions / hyperlinks to outside information or video online
  • Picture dictionaries (R&W4G), Vocabulary lists with read aloud options
  • Graphic ebooks, comics
  • YouTube EDU on various subjects with CC
  • Virtual reality technology
  • High interest / Low vocabulary books / Readtopia
  • Epic, Raz-kids, Newslea

High School

  • Graphic organizers (hard copy or digital - Inspiration App/Extension)
  • Read aloud / text to speech with highlighting as it reads / options to reread
  • Vocabulary development / definitions / hyperlinks to outside information or video online
  • Picture dictionaries (R&W4G), Vocabulary lists with read aloud options
  • Graphic ebooks, comics
  • YouTube EDU on various subjects with CC
  • Virtual reality technology
  • High interest / Low vocabulary books
  • R&W4G text highlighting extraction, list generation, voice notes for reflection, review, direction, study skills, highlighters

Tier 2 Assistive Technology Services for Comprehension

  • Assistive Technology assessments
  • Training with teaching support teams, student planning teams and learning support teachers, other professionals, education assistants on various Tier 2 Assistive Technology
  • Consult with LD Specialists, SLPs, Psychologists
  • Tier 2 Assistive Technology implementation support in a variety of learning environments