Tier 3 Communication AT & UDL

Communication Tools and Strategies (Tier 3)

The following lists of communication tools and strategies are important to consider when determining what types of assistive technology need to be trialed or implemented to support your struggling student. The Assistive Technology Specialist will facilitate the trial and implementation of various tools and strategies to assist your student.


At this level, students may need complete vocabulary systems, specific access methods or durable hardware. The devices listed here are dedicated devices with a full range of vocabulary options, access methods and specially designed or modified hardware. The companies that sell the equipment offer web-based and phone-based technical support and training. Local sales/product representatives also provide training.


  • Continue to use the strategies that were effective in Tiers 1 and 2.
  • Focus on implementation and expand the use of the device to more activities throughout the day. The ultimate goal is that the student uses the device for the majority of communication throughout the day.
  • When choosing a vocabulary system, consider the use of core vocabulary. This will allow students to learn language for a variety of purposes (requesting, protesting, commenting, greeting) and increase the types of sentence structures students use.
  • When personalizing vocabulary, consider having the student participate to either program the device or choose vocabulary. If the student is unable to participate, have a same-age peer help select messages. This creates more authentic communication for the student.

Tier 3 targets the students with the most complex communication needs. At Tier 3 identified communication needs have not been adequately met through access to available basic tools and strategies Tier 1 or additional communication strategies and trials with available equipment Tier 2. Students may now require a specialized evaluation to determine individual needs. They may also require additional follow-up and technical interventions to support recommended technology. At Tier 3, the teacher, SLP and other specialists work collaboratively with the AT Specialist to complete an evaluation of needs and identify appropriate technology and services to support student needs. They may develop an Implementation Plan to support recommended technology over time. Using the roles and responsibilities guidelines below, the evaluation is conducted and the IEP Team decides what technology will be provided and how the technology will be implemented. In some cases, long term trials may be required along with ongoing assessment.

Roles and Responsibilities

IEP Team

SLP & Assistive Technology Specialist

  • Support the AT/AAC evaluation with data collection and monitoring of trials with technology
  • Participate in trainings
  • Identify student needs and preferences for device
  • Support student use of device
  • Support ongoing use of the device
  • Continue ongoing data collection
  • Follow district procedures for repair and maintenance of equipment
  • Contact AT Specialist for assistance
  • Write AT supports and equipment in IEP Special Factors
  • Implement suggested Communication Tools and Strategies (Tier 3)
  • Collaborate with Site Level Team to complete the AT assessment
  • Attend IEP meetings as needed to report assessment results
  • Help secure equipment for assessment trials
  • Help develop and coordinate the Implementation Plan
  • Explore funding options
  • Assist in the ordering of equipment
  • Support training
  • Assist in troubleshooting and repair of equipment as needed

Assessment and Follow-up

  • Guided by data collected in Tiers 1 and 2, the assistive technology specialist and IEP team members will identify personalized technology tools and strategies that may better support the student's needs. Assessment procedures will focus on the student, the environment, and the tasks and may include observations, direct assessment measures, and technology trials.
  • Assessment tools may include:
  • Test of Aided Communication Symbol Performance
  • Social Networks
  • Augmentative and Alternative Communication Profile
  • Evaluation Genie
  • WATI Student Information Guide
  • Clinician-directed activities
  • Observation