We have all had to make adjustments during these challenging times. The students at REACH have had to navigate using electronic platforms to create art and I have incorporated Art History into many lessons. The Art History lessons are followed with a project serving to reinforce that which has been taught, along with Jeopardy review games and Google Forms. Additionally, each month we reinforce a letter in the REACH acronym, R-respect, E-effort, A-act safely, C-community and H-healthy living. Enjoy the 2020-2021 art year.

Mrs. Forhan

Mrs. DeStefano

Just for fun

Lisa T.

Julian G. - This is Julian's idea of scary monsters. They happen to look cute.

Matthew S.

Wall Art/Prehistoric Art Form

Learning about the cave art in Chauvet and Lascaux, France. These caves date back 37,000 and 17,000 years, respectively. The students were asked to depict something close to their hearts, which would tell future generations something about our time, much like the drawings in the cave tell us something about life during that period of time.

Terrance M. - Covid 19, racial inequality, violence and a contentious presidential election tell future generations about the 2020 year.

Francesco C. - The Corona Virus was obviously a popular choice for our students.

Horace H.

Along with visual depictions of Covid 19, students worked on visual representations of how to keep safe during the pandemic.

This piece reflects Covid 19 precautions but also other safe behaviors. This was created when addressing the A in act safely.

Lisa T. - Even characters have to practice safe behaviors.

Terrance M. focused on necessary precautions to take to avoid getting sick.

The Egyptian period was studied after the prehistoric cave period. Students were asked to share something about themselves much like the hieroglyphics on the walls of a pyramid told a story about the person(s) in the pyramid. They could also create a collage piece containing information on what they learned.

Alexander B. focused on pyramids of Egypt.

Zion R. - Zion was interested in showing us what he learned about the Egyptian period.

Julian G. - Julian lets us know visually something about himself.

Zion R. - Zion too wants us to know something about himself.

Tyre R. - Tyre loves fast cars, food, games of varying sorts.

Alexander B. - Alex loves Spongebob, food, movies and cars.

These Jeopardy questions were created to review both the Egyptian and Medieval Periods. The winner could pick a special treat.

What does effort look like?

Thomas M.

Shane L. - Shane believes effort is all about school work.

Lisa T. - Lisa depicts what effort looks like for her. While traveling to and from Florida, she would log into her classes while in the car.

Medieval Art Form

The Medieval Period or the Dark Ages - A period extending 1000 years. Art work was religious in nature as seen in stain glass windows in churches, mosaics and tapestries.

Edens F.'s interpretation of a stain glass piece is abstract in nature.

Tristan M.'s interpretation of a stain glass piece

Francesco C."s interpretation of a stain glass piece

Geno S.'s interpretation of a stain glass piece

Lisa T.'s stained glass creation

Julia F. learns how to navigate sketchpad while depicting what struck her during the Medieval Period.

Billy L. and Peter C. worked together on this Medieval piece.

The Black Death or the Black Plague

Izzy J. focused on the art contributions of the Medieval Period and the infestation of rats coming from Asia which brought the Black Plague.

Thomas M. - Thomas focused on the plague doctor and the aromatics he might have inserted into the beak of his mask to "mask" odors.

These were the Jeopardy questions created to review the Medieval Period. The winner received 10 extra points in Liveschool and those who participated received 5 points - a win win for all.

The Italian Renaissance and the Harlem Renaissance

Our students learned about the rebirth which occurred in Europe, specifically Italy, and the one which occurred in Harlem.

The requirement with the Jacob Lawrence assignment was to exaggerate the important item or body part employed.

Jada P.

Thomas M.

Nicholas O.

Black History Form

The task with the Romare Bearden assignment was to create a digital collage.

Samantha R.

Francesco C. and Donovan R.

Arianna L.

Alexander B.

JV May

Julian G.

Kristina F.

Lisa T.

Arianna L.

Matthew S.

Terrance M.

Love - How do we express love?

In addition to the art work the students learned about Valentine and how the story evolved into what we celebrate today.

Valentine's Day Form

Kristina F.

Tyler B.

Dayanara D.

Michaelangelo M.

Julian G.

Matthew S.

William L. and Momo G.

Nicholas O. and Lisa T.

St. Patrick's Day Form

Everything green (or orange)for St. Patrick's Day. We not only learned how and why the day is celebrated but also tied the lesson into the elements of color and value focusing on monochrome.


Lisa T. and Terrance M.

Charlie C. and Gerard D.

Jeremy M.

Thomas M.

Keisha O.

Dayanara D.

Chance B . and John A.

Women's History month

Students worked on variety of projects for Women's History month. The district had a contest which involved honoring Amelia Earhart. Students were free to work on a paper airplane, poster or sculpture. Additionally, in class, student learned about female Impressionist artist Mary Cassatt. They were free to create a collage or design a hat (Mary's women usually were portrayed wearing a hat). Finally, students were free to do a piece about a woman they admire.

Amelia Earhart Form - above

The 3 pieces below were submitted for the contest

Tyre R.

Jeremy M.

Shane L.

Women's History Form

Samantha R. and Zion R. did a collage which is representative of Mary Cassatt's work.

Julian G. redesigned the hat on the left.

JV May and Francesco C.

Geno S. and Nicholas O.

Alexander B. and Aniyah F.

Chance B.

Terrance M.

Arianna L.

Chance B.

Momo G.

Jaritza G.

Nicholas O.

Jada P. and Matthew S.

Color Form

The students were tasked with creating colorful pieces using different aspects of color theory

Tyre R. and Peter C.

Matthew S. and Alexander B.

Samantha R.

Terrance M.

Angel L.

Aniyah F.

Francesco C.

Keisha O.

JV M. and Chance B.

John A. and Tyler B.

Chance B. and Jaritza G.

Zion R. - both

Matthew S.

Chelsea M.

Jeremy M.

Brendan R.

Angel R.

Julia F.

Michaelangelo M.

Alexander B.

Terrance M.

Peter C.

Luke G.

Jada P.

Billy L.

Luke G.

Angel R.

Chance B.

Donovan R.

Keisha O.

Francesco C. - both

Shane L.

Chance B.

Lisa T.

Julian G.


Jeremy M.


Izzy J.

Samuel B. - top and bottom

Healthy Living

Arianna L. and Tyre R.

Julian G.

Nicholas O. and Shane L.

Charlie C.

Peter C.

Jeremy M.

Keisha O.

Mother's Day - We love our mamas!!

Mother's Day Form

Alexander B.

Anshul D.

Arianna L.

Brendan R.

Luke G.

Donovan R.

Chance B.

Jaritza G.

Julian G.

Julia F.


Spring Form


Top left- Samantha R.Bottom left - Terrance M.

Top right - Billy L.

Bottom right - Izzy J.

Jayleen R.

Jada P.

Krissy F.

Momo G.

Zion R.

Ariana L.

Samantha R.


Samantha R.

Julian G.

Peter C.

Finally, the students at REACH were asked to create a creative color wheel, one that reflected their interests. We end the school year with these beautiful projects! I'm so very proud of them!

Momo G.

Samantha R

Angel R.

John A.

Julian G.

Alexander B.

Tyler B.


Horace H.

Tristan R.

Krissy F.

Izzy J.

Arianna L.

Chance B.

Nicholas O.

Luke G.

Shane L.

Billy L.

Jada P.

Zion R.

Samuel B.

Tristian R.

Peter C.

Brendan R.

Charlie C.

Samuel B.

Look at all you produced despite the many challenges the year held. I am so very proud to be your art teacher. I hope you continue to do art and/or to see art in the world around you. Have a great summer and remember to always be safe. Until we meet again.

Mrs. Forhan