Welcome to the GNC

Arts Studios

Greenburgh - North Castle UFSD

Arts Mission Statement

It is the mission of the Art and Music department at Greenburgh - North Castle to present the arts as an outlet for individual expression. Students are provided with a positive way to channel their energy while learning essential strategic methods for problem-solving through perceiving, responding, understanding, creating, evaluating, and developing.

2021 Virtual Arts Festival

The GNC Music, Visual Arts, and Dance departments are happy to announce that our annual district-wide Arts Festival will remain true to tradition by showcasing student work from all four of our academies. The only difference from years past is that the entire show will be displayed virtually through a gallery-style google slide presentation.

GNC’s student musical compositions and visual creations should serve as inspiration and evidence for us all to be optimistic about the future. We are excited to celebrate our students' accomplishments and help them share their artistic gifts with you.

Please click the video below to view a trailer and that will give you a glimpse of what you will see in the slide presentation.

Please click through the slide show below to view student work.

GNC art show #3.mp4
Art Show 2020-2021

This year's district Arts competition took the form of a Paper Airplane Contest. The past year has been a difficult time for everyone due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. We are all eager to safely rise above, and soar past, this trying time. The airplanes represent our goals and aspirations for new beginnings in 2021 and beyond. Each student’s goals and aspirations are unique to them and are therefore represented through a variety of media. It is our hope that these airplanes will bring everyone who sees them a moment of awe, reflection, and hope.

We had a total of 58 participants (live and virtual students) district-wide in this year's competition. Our students worked diligently on their entries and all deserve to have their artwork showcased. Please follow the link below to view their amazing work.

On behalf of the Music and Art Departments, we would like to thank all of the staff and students who participated in this event and congratulate all of the winners of this year’s competition. Let your dreams take flight!

Winners of the 2021 Paper Airplane Contest:

Evelyn Reyes.mp4

Category #1 : Original Short Airplane Movie.

Evelyn Reyes, Greenburgh Academy

Category #2 : Airplane Sculpture.

Jonathan Barnes, Kaplan Career Academy

Category #3 : k- 2-D work.

Manuel Hernandez, Greenburgh Academy

Category #4 : Folded Paper Airplane Design/Look/Decoration. -

Christopher Furby , Greenburgh Academy

Category #5 : Essay, poem, or original song written about your goals for 2021. “Let your dreams take flight”.

There was a tie for this category and the winners are Schea Fuller, Kenneth Clark Academy and Neriah Herrera, Greenburgh Academy.

During this uncertain time, we can lean on the power of the Arts. The Arts can help us feel connected, even while communities are practicing in social distancing.

As we navigate these uncharted waters, the Arts can help carry us through!