Ethical Storytelling & Fundraising

(Module 6)


After working through this module, every GROW team member should be able to:

  • Identify and challenge harmful forms of media and/or communications

  • Create honest and ethical forms of media and/or communications about their partner

  • Describe the importance of ethical storytelling to a new GlobeMed member or friend

  • Have a conversation with the chapter's finance team on equitable fundraising, campaigning, and division of funds

  • Center transparency, mutual accountability, honesty, and partner’s needs in their chapter's fundraising practices


Do this together


Use the questions as a jumping off point. You may not get to all of the questions, use the ones that speak to you the most.

Watch Lisa Russell’s TEDx Talk about Shifting the Story. (15 minutes)

  • Lisa says she wants her stories to be accurate, respectful, and responsible. How does she do that? How can you do that?

  • Lisa tells the story about the Kosovar women who said, “At the end of the war, we will no longer be remembered as Kosovar women, but Kosovar women who have been raped.” What kind of longevity do you think your stories have and how the people will be seen?

  • Think about the news stories you see about the part of the world where your partner organization is. Do those stories match with the realities you hear from your partner?

  • Lisa talks about how she was asked why she shows the negative things, and her response is to question how she can tell a story about struggles without showing the negative things. What do you think about that? How would you answer the questions she posed?

  • Lisa repeats her mother’s line, “People’s circumstances do not predict their potential.” How can you use this to guide the stories you tell?


Use the questions as a jumping off point. You may not get to all of the questions, use the ones that speak to you the most.

Read: Resourcing Fundraising as Part of Supporting and Building Community

  • “And, just like racism and white privilege, the systems and ideologies around money are what cause problems. And just like racism and white privilege, these systems and ideologies exist not only in the realm of infrastructures and public policies, they also exist within us. We become them and they become us.” What do you think this means? How does it relate to fundraising?

  • One of the reasons why funds are disproportionately available to white folks is because of historical trauma. And fundraising works within the money systems that came out of and continue to cause trauma. What do you think about this? Do you agree or disagree? Why?

  • Thinking about some of the examples, what are ways that you resource yourself? What are ways that your family or community resources?

  • Walk through the resourcing practices and how they apply to your chapter:

    • How is your chapter resourced?

    • Talk directly about money, as it relates to your chapter.

    • Practice not judging how much or what was given, particularly as it relates to where or how that person grew up.

    • Think beyond money. What other resources are needed?

    • What do you have? What can you build?

  • “Fundraising as we know it maintains the status quo, only redistributing some of the money to some of the places where it’s been lacking. Resourcing is about transformation.” What does this mean to you?


This challenge is not a required part of this GROW module, but it is a lot of fun! We encourage you review the GlobeMed's Story Telling submission form and see if there are any stories you would like to share with the network.

Here are some guiding questions to consider. This list is meant to be generative, so if the prompts spark a different idea for you, please do not feel restricted!

  • Tell us about how you became inspired to participate in GROW this year.

  • Can you make a connection between a ghU and your motivation to participate in GROW?

  • What is an "a-ha" moment you had during the most recent GROW Preparation training?

  • Tell me the story of how a GROW Team meeting went.

  • How are you going to connect what you've learned in the most recent GROW preparation training to your GROW Experience?