Welcome to the Room 12 class blog. We're glad you've stopped by! This is the place where we'll be sharing our learning this year. On each page you'll find work under a WALT title, this is what 'We Are Learning To' do. Have a browse, we hope you enjoy!

Reminders - Term 4

Welcome back for Term 4! It's crazy to think that we're in the last 9 weeks of school for the year! This is a super busy term for the students and I'm sure we'll have a lot of work to share with your over the next 9 weeks so make sure you keep your eyes on this space!


  • Year 8 girls will be participating in self defense in week 1 of this term
  • Also starting in week 1 is school house sports! It is really important that during these warmer months, that students have their P.E gear to change into and participate in the sports and activities we will be doing over this time!
  • We have our class bake sale fundraiser in week 4 of this term - if students can please bring something that can be sold as a part of this fundraiser - it would be greatly appreciated
  • School camp is happening in week 5 of this term - please make sure you have paid the required amount to the school office if your child is attending so that we are able to confirm numbers!

As always, feel free to email me with any questions or concerns! (:

Reminders - Term 3

  • Parent/teacher interviews are being held on Wednesday 26th July. Please follow the instructions on the hand out that has been brought home and book an interview on the school interview website. If you are having any troubles with this, please do not hesitate to email me!
  • The school fun run is happening on the Friday 28th July. Students have been given their sponsorship booklets and should be collecting money as part of this fundraiser! As part of this, students will be able to collect prizes in return for their effort in collecting money.

IT'S OFFICIAL! Room 12 are the inter-class dodgeball champions!

Room 12 - Dodgeball Superstars!!

All of Room 12 went down to the quad at lunch today to play a game of dodgeball vs. Room 7. Even those without their P.E gear came to watch! It was a good game and both teams played really well. Winning this game means that we're in the finals next Tuesday. Great job Room 12!