Glossary of acronyms

BEAM = BiCNU/carmustine, etoposide, Ara-C/cytarabine, and melphalan

CIS = clinically-isolated syndrome

CISer = some who has had a CIS

CPMS = chronic progressive MS

CSF = cerebrospinal fluid

DMT = Disease modifying therapy

DMTs = Disease modifying therapies

EPs = evoked potentials

HSCT = hematopoietic stem cell transplant

        • A-HSCT = ablative-HSCT
        • NM-HSCT = non-myeloablative HSCT

IRTs = immune reconstitution therapies

MS = multiple sclerosis

MSer = someone with MS

MSologist = neurologist with a subspecialty interest in MS

OCBs = oligoclonal IgG bands

PPMS = primary progressive MS

PPMSer = someone with PPMS

PRMS = progressive-relapsing MS

RIS = radiologically-isolated syndrome

RISer = someone with a radiologically isolated syndrome

RRMS = relapsing-remitting MS

SAP = single attack progressive MS

SPMS = secondary progressive MS

SPMSer = someone with SPMS