Case study 5


36-year old woman with RRMS on a platform therapy for 8-years doing well (NEDA-3). EDSS 1.5.


I am taking daily prophylactic famciclovir for recurrent genital herpes. Will this protect me against COVID-19 infection?

The short answer is no.

Famciclovir is a so called guanosine analogue antiviral drug that is used for the treatment of various herpesvirus infections, most commonly for herpes zoster and herpes simplex. It is actually a prodrug and is converted into penciclovir in the body. It is activated by herpes virus specific enzyme and hence is is unlikely to be effective against coronaviruses including COVID-19.

There are several other antiviral drugs that are currently being tested for activity against COVID-19; I am hopeful that one of these will be shown to be effective.

Date & Disclaimer: 18-March-2020; please note the information and advice in this case study may change with time.