Pre-Service Teachers 

Kern Teacher Residency- Greenfield (KTR)

 The Kern Teacher Residency is an alternative pathway for students seeking a preliminary teaching credential.  The residency program provides students with the best training to become a teacher and gives students a network of mentors and staff who are dedicated to their support.  Residents who participate in KTR have the confidence of being well-prepared to start teaching in their own classroom. 

KTR Vision 

The Kern Teacher Residency is dedicated to recruiting and retaining diverse individuals with the cultural competency to connect with the Greenfield community and make a significant impact on preparing our students socially, emotionally, and academically for the 21st century. 

KTR Goals 

Increase teacher effectiveness and retention by:

Research shows that the greatest factor in student achievement is an effective teacher.

Greenfield Residency for Education SpeciAlisTs- (GREAT)

The Greenfield Residency for Education Specialists (GREAT) is an alternative pathway for students seeking an education specialist teaching credential.   The GREAT program provides residents with a network of mentors and staff who are dedicated to support them.   Residents receive quality supervision, coaching and training that will prepare them to be special education teachers for the Greenfield Union School District.

Education Specialists Residents