Categorical Programs 

Juan Herrera-Olea, Ed.D. 

Director of Categorical Programs (Ext. 4842) 

Lupe Ruiz 

Categorical Program Assistant (Ext. 4882) 

Categorical Funds 

Below are the funds/programs our department closely monitors: 

Budget Management Resources 

Ensuring students receive equitable services

Title I- Improving Academic Achievement 

District Required Parent Trainings 

Budget Monitoring Tools 

2024-25 Categorical Budget Meeting Dates 

*Meeting dates/times/locations may be subject to change. Reminders will be sent. 

Title III- English Language Learners 

The overarching purpose is to ensure that English learner (EL) students, including immigrant children and youth, attain English language proficiency (ELP) and meet the same challenging state academic standards that other students are expected to meet.

LEAs must use Title III funds to supplement state language instruction educational programs, designed to assist EL students’ achievement goals.  

The state educational agency (SEA), LEAs, and schools are accountable for increasing the ELP and core academic content knowledge of EL students.

School Site Council (SSC) &

English Language Advisory Committees (ELAC)