3D Design

GCSE Three Dimensional Design: Product Design

Key information:

Three-dimensional design is the creation of concepts through modeling, prototyping or the construction of functional products to fulfill a purposeful need or an aesthetic quality . Three dimensional design will include the creation of objects, products and environments drawing upon thinking, creative and practical skills.


Students work to build a 60% portfolio of evidence and are required to work in one or more area(s) of three dimensional design, focusing on the elements listed below:


• product design

• architectural design

• 3D digital design


Assessment covers four key areas;

●      Designer Research

●      Development of Ideas

●      Recording Images (Drawing and annotation)

●      Final Outcome.

Pupil’s work is assessed through a combination of an externally set task/examination (40%) and a portfolio (60%). All work is internally assessed and externally checked and moderated by the exam board.


Subject information:


Within the context of three-dimensional design, students will develop and demonstrate their ability to use a range of three-dimensional techniques and processes to realise their personal intentions.  This could include students for example:


• model making

• constructing

• surface treatment

• assembling

• modelling & prototyping


Using media and materials, as appropriate to students’ personal intentions, for example:


• drawing materials

• wood

• metal

• plastic

• Computer aided design


Is this course right for me?

This is a hands on subject developing a 60% portfolio over the course. An ability to draw accurately to record what you see, think and imagine is essential.  There are a range of techniques used throughout the course to work three dimensionally to explore, develop and finalise ideas. This will see you constructing, problem solving, testing, making, designing and modelling using a variety of techniques and processes that are practical and technical.

A level of independence is required when developing ideas for your evidence portfolio and your chosen exam brief.

What can this lead to?

This course can lead to further study of a range of design or STEM based subjects at A Level (or alternative level 3 qualifications)  such as:

Three Dimensional Design

Product Design

Graphic design


Careers that make use of Three Dimensional design include;


         Interior/spatial design

         3-dimensional design

         Product design

         Exhibition design

         Design for television

         Stage and film


         Model making

         Environmental design

         Furniture design

         Transport design

Taster Lesson

3D design taster session