Learning Support

Hello everyone and welcome to Learning Support. Here you will find additional resources and activities to do with your children to boost their learning and help with revision of previous topics.

First let's start with some number recognition. How quickly can you identify all the numbers that are the wrong way round?

After you've found them all, practice writing some of the tricky ones the right way!

Can you count back from 20 as fast as the Count Back Cat? Have a go Year 1!

Spot the numbers that have been written the wrong way round!


Hello everyone!

Why not have a go at the activity here? See how many letter As you can find!

Can you write A and a neatly?

missing vowels year one.pptx

Can anyone spot which vowels are missing for these words? Have a go!

Can you think of any other words that start with sh- ?

What about words that end in -sh?

Can you spell your sh words that you thought of? Try to fill the bubbles!