Hats off! Lower School Show

Welcome to our Lower School Show page!

Here you will find all the tracks to practise singing (and dancing if you want)

11 Welcome To Our Farm (Backing Track) (online-audio-converter.com).mp3
  1. Bienv'nus à la ferme

Bienv'nus à la ferme.MOV
2 The Lovely Sounds Of Autumn (online-audio-converter.com).mp3

2. The lovely sounds of Autumn

Sung by all, Reception dancing.

3 Snuggle Up. Cuddle Up (online-audio-converter.com).mp3

3. Snuggle up, Cuddle up.

Sung by everyone, 1S dancing

4 Bouncy, Bouncy, Bounce! (online-audio-converter.com).mp3

4. Bouncy, bouncy, bounce

Sung by everyone, 2V dancing.

5 It's H. H. H. H. H. Hot! (online-audio-converter.com).mp3

5. It's H,H,H,H,H,Hot!

Sung by everyone, 2B dancing

6 Remember The Seasons (online-audio-converter.com).mp3

6. Remember the seasons

Sung by everyone 1C dancing