Week 1

Seedlings and new life

Dear Year One, I know that you have been busy learning about plants and that you have been planting seeds and watching them grow. I wanted to share a picture of a butternut squash shoot that my neighbour gave me today. He had been cultivating it since being a seedling and now it is ready to be potted in our vegetable patch! I have also been planting many seeds this week- of flowers and vegetables. No shoots have yet emerged from the soil, but I just have to be patient! I imagine that it is the same for you...everyday we go to check upon our seedlings, nothing appears to be happening- but then one day, when we least expect it, a shoot of new life will emerge from the soil :-D

This week I have put up a few activities and you may choose to do whichever ones inspire you and your family most :-)

If you haven't had a chance to plant seeds, there is still time. These biodegradable newspaper pots are ideal because once the seeds have germinated, you can place the pot directly in the earth without damaging the roots.

Upcycling Pots!

Once your seeds have germinated, it would be lovely to house them in a beautiful pot.

You will need:

Old (or new) clay/terracottapots

Paint (acrylic) if possible)


Stickers/Masking tape

Sponges/Metalllic markers.

I love the idea of putting dots/masking tape first on the pot, then painting over.

Freely painting butterflies, sponging on clouds etc.

Mother's day is coming up...perhaps this pot could house some of the flowers you have planted and be the most beautiful and personal gift for some-one special!

Have you ever wondered what a seedling's first impression of the "outside" world would be?

I would like you to crouch down on the grass and imagine you are as tiny as a little shoot, then paint everything you can see. Grass and flowers would be huge! Ants would probably seem ginormous!