Viva Voce Guidance for Teachers

What is a viva voce?

The Viva Voce is a short interview conducted by a supervisor with a student, and it is the formal conclusion to the extended essay process. It should last no more than 10 to 15 minutes, and it can either be conducted in-person or via Zoom.

When is it conducted?

It should be conducted after your supervisee has submitted a final draft and you have read the final draft. It is advised that you give the final draft scores for criteria A through D prior to the viva voce. After the student has completed the viva voce reflection and uploaded it to ManageBac, you should predict criterion E based on all three reflections.

Students should write and post the "final reflection - viva voce" on ManageBac no more than 24 hours after you conduct the viva voce. Please remind students of this.

What is the purpose of the viva voce?

  • A check on plagiarism and malpractice in general

  • An opportunity to reflect on successes and difficulties in the research process

  • An opportunity to reflect on what has been learned

  • An aid to the supervisor’s report

  • An aid to the "final reflection - viva voce", which is assessed as part of Criterion E.

How do students prepare for the viva voce?

In CORE class they have been walked through general preparation reflection questions. You can see the Google Slides used for this here. Students also look at sample final reflections and discuss strengths and weaknesses of the reflections. This too is included in the above linked Google Slides.

What questions should I ask during the viva voce?

While you are free to ask any questions relevant to the viva voce purposes, here are 10 sample questions you might ask:

  1. I am not clear what you mean on page XXX. You quote Y; could you explain a little more about what this tells us?

  2. On page XXX you cite Z. I couldn’t find this reference (for example, a website). Could you tell me more about it?

  3. What have been the high and low points of the research and writing process?

  4. What were the most interesting aspects of the process? Did you discover anything that surprised you?

  5. What have you learned through writing this essay? Is there any advice you would want to pass on to someone just starting an extended essay?

  6. Is there anything else that you would particularly like me to mention in my report?

  7. What unanswered questions are you left with?

  8. What figures or illustrations are you including? Why did you choose those? Have you cited them?

  9. Which source contradicted the general ideas of your research? In what way specifically did the source contradict the general belief system? Did you include it? Why? Why not?

  10. Which of your sources did you find to be the most helpful? Why?

What is the latest date I can conduct a viva voce?

For the class of 2023, conduct viva voces no later than November 16th.

My student hasn't made contact or has responded to my viva voce requests. What do I do?

Please email several times and document your concerns on ManageBac before ringing the student's parents. You can do this at Roma's desk with her assistance. Please do not call parents from your personal phone.

If you are unable to contact parents after several attempts and/or if the student still refuses to respond, please email Katie, Debs, and the student's counselor. Please also complete a behavior referral form (linked on the HS bulletin) as this may be a symptom that the student is struggling with multiple classes and therefore needs additional support.

How do "record" the viva voce?

  • Make notes during your viva voce regarding discussion points. Post these notes on the worksheet page on ManageBac.

  • Click the "Record as Interview Note" box and title your notes as "Viva Voce."

How does the viva voce impact the supervisor report?

After you have conducted the viva voce and the student has written and posted the viva voce reflection on ManageBac, you must review the final viva voce reflection to assure your current criterion E prediction remain consistent.

Amend the prediction on the assessment tab as necessary and ensure your prediction calculations are accurate. Prior to November predicts, a spreadsheet will also be sent to you that requires you to declare the prediction. Counselors and the IB office will collaborate to produce CORE predicted grades based on this information.