Subject Specific Extended Essays

Subject-specific extended essays allow students to dive deep into a topic of interest in a single subject they are taking at DAA*. At the time of proposal, students must be achieving above a 75% in the chosen subject.

Subject-specific extended essays require students to use methods and resources specific to a subject as they research and write this analytical paper. Which methods and resources students use depend on the subject they select; therefore, it is important that students deeply investigate the subject-specific guidance regarding choice of topic, treatment of topic, and assessment.

The CORE website introduces the basics of each EE group, which can be found linked below or in the navigation bar. However a simple overview of the group is not enough to select and conduct a subject-specific EE. The CORE website, therefore, also provides links to the IBO's subject-specific guide. You can find these via the same links below or by directly accessing the IBO website.

Subject-specific extended essays may be conducted in one of 6 groups:

*Although at DAA we do not offer the sport, exercise and health science course, we do have four experienced supervisors in this field; therefore, we welcome students to pre-propose in this subject with the understanding that additional independent study of the course will be necessary to succeeded in this EE.