Assessed Reflections (Criterion E)

What kinds of meetings are held between student and supervisor?

During the Extended Essay process, you will meet with your supervisor on numerous occasions. There are two types of meetings: informal and formal. 

Informal meetings should be documented: 

If meetings take place over Zoom, the supervisor should also upload the recording to the ManageBac Worksheet tab.

Certain informal meetings are mandatory, such as the initial meeting and the pre-summer meeting.

Formal (official) meetings should be documented:

If meetings take place over Zoom, the supervisor should also upload the recording to the ManageBac Worksheet tab.

Additionally students will be asked to submit work periodically as assignments on the ManageBac Calendar tab.

When do students write and submit assessed reflections to ManageBac?

Before writing an assessed reflection, students need to meet with their supervisors to discuss a series of reflection questions. These questions, which differ depending on which reflection is being written, can be found via the links below.

There are 3 assessed reflections:

In critically reviewing your engagement in the research process, it might help to think in terms of three levels of reflection: descriptive, analytical and evaluative reflection. The table below gives examples of guiding questions to help with this. They are not exhaustive.