Interim Formal Reflection

The interim formal reflection documents the progress students have made in their research. This progress should have been discussed as part of the continuous dialogue between supervisor and student.

Students must also discuss any challenges they have encountered, offer their own potential solutions and seek advice as necessary.

Student preparation:

Prior to writing the interim reflections, students should brainstorm answers to the following questions:

  • Do I have a reasoned argument that can/is be sustained throughout the essay?
  • Am I able to make coherent links between different points made and the evidence presented?
  • To what extent have I answered my research question?
  • What reasons may have affected my ability to answer my research question?
  • If I have been selective in the evidence presented in my essay, can I justify my choices?
  • Is there a clear summative conclusion, and does this reflect the discussion that has taken place?
  • To what extent do I think I have fulfilled the expectations of the extended essay as a task?
  • Has my research resulted in me changing my perspective or views on the topic in question?
  • What strategies have I employed that have worked particularly well at this stage of the process?

Prior to finalizing the reflection, students should meet with their supervisor. During this session the following might be discussed:

  • a completed piece of sustained writing from the student in order to ensure that they understand the academic writing requirements, including referencing formats
  • whether an appropriate range of sources has been accessed and how the student is critically evaluating the origin of those sources
  • what the student now has to do in order to refine the full draft of their essay, and ways and means of breaking down the task into manageable steps.