Silver Lake Elementary

Family Newsletter


December 4th - December 8th

Upcoming Events

Campus Updates

Points from your Principal:

It's most wonderful time of the year!

Our school is ready for our next Experience Design week: Snow What You Know!

Our families, teachers, and students have all worked together to design an exciting week of experiences for learning!

It's winter OUTSIDE, and now it is winter INSIDE! Students have brought in snowflakes, our classrooms are designed to teach students through the lens of winter....

Our Dad's float will travel down Main Street on Thursday night displaying the work of your children, as well. This year, they have incorporated STUDENT CREATED materials to showcase our XD week. Every student was able to turn something in for this... so when you see our float in the parade... give a cheer and look closely!

This is a perfect example of us all living in our beliefs- we can do amazing things when we work together!

Nicole Whiteside

Points from your Assistant Principal

We want to reinforce our CHAMPS behavior expectations for the playground. Please review these with your child so we can continue to see safe, responsible, and respectful behavior. We appreciate your support and partnership.

Informational Items

Lost & Found

If your student has lost an item, please make sure they are checking our lost & found in the front foyer.  Any items unclaimed by 12/13 will be donated to GRACE or thrown away.

Office info (about glasses)

We have had a couple pairs of glasses turned in after being lost. If one of these glasses are your student's, please have them come to the office to claim them.

Nurse info (about illness)

As we are entering cold, flu, and just illness in general season, I just wanted to remind everyone that if your student has a temperature of 100.0 degrees or more, has vomited or had diarrhea the night before or morning of, or has red eyes with matting (crusting) or drainage that they need to stay home from school. Students can return once they are fever free for 24 hours with no use of fever reducing medication (Tylenol/Acetaminophen or Motrin/Ibuprofen) or not had an episode of vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours with no use of medication or after 24 hours on antibiotic eye drops for pink eye.

Attendance info (reminder to notify if sick and let us know if flu-like illness)

Thank you to everyone who has been good about calling or emailing us that your student is going to be absent. Since we are entering into the cold/flu season, we ask if your student is out due to having a fever with a sore throat or a fever with a cough to please let us know that they are out with a flu-like illness. If you report that your student is out sick, we may ask you if they are out with a flu-like illness for documentation purposes. 

PTA Newsletter & Information

Dad's Club Information

Silver Lake Apparel Spirit Store

If you would like to announce your student's birthday on our marquee in the front of the school, please use this link above.  Click link for additional information.

(Please complete if you would like to attend any campus event, lunch or field trip.)

Repeated Information

Reporting Absences:

Please email Tyla Aguilar, our Attendance Clerk when reporting student absences or any other attendance related emails.  Her email is


Please note that the school does not open until 7:25. If you drop your child off before this, please know that they will not be under adult supervision.

We are continually streamlining our arrival and dismissal procedures and are grateful for your help and assistance in getting our learners to and from school safely!

With that, we wanted to send some updates and reminders regarding our arrival and dismissal procedures:

Children will be responsible for buckling and unbuckling themselves.

Thank you for all you do to help us keep our students and staff safe during these times.


Every friday we encourage all students and staff to wear Silver Lake gear, or green and blue! We have a competition going to see how many class members can wear the most spirit wear!

We will have a spirit shop open to purchase shirts and gear soon.

Student lunch accounts

Parents, as a reminder, please check your student's lunch account.  It is important to check often so your student's lunch account does not go into a negative balance.  Our cafeteria manager has sent home letters and an email if your account is currently negative.

Lunch Visitors Will Start Sept. 5th

Upon arrival, you will need to use our intercom system and let the front office know you wish to have lunch with your student. Please state if it's inside or outside.  You will need to bring a valid state-issued ID and use our visitor kiosks in the vestibule to obtain a visitor's badge,  then proceed to the front office.  Please allow extra time before your scheduled time to get checked in.   You will need to bring your own lunch as we will not be able to accommodate visitor lunches through our lunch lines at this time.  You may bring lunch for your student or they may go through the line while you wait.

You will be meeting your child in our visitor area in front of the office.  Since we have very limited seating we will be following the schedule below:

From The District

Nothing this week!