Grapevine Elementary

Monday Message

GES Families,

We are getting ready to kick off the Kids Heart Challenge adventure with the American Heart Association, and we need your help! Over the next few weeks students will be learning about their heart, raising awareness and funds for the American Heart Association. We will kick-off our event with a school-wide assembly on Friday, Sept. 29. Our school's goal is to raise $17,500 in donations and for every student to complete Finn's Mission. You can click the link and read more in the letter to the right about how to register your child. 

Thank you for joining us and helping us save lives! 

All my best,

Mrs. Hale and Coach Basil

Grapveine Pre-Kickoff Email 9.22.23.docx

Meet the 2nd Grade Team

Mrs. Dugan Mrs. Brown Ms. Leu Mrs. Walker

Our second grade team is excited for a great year with their star students! They are eager to work hard to meet all the needs and to engage our students in authentic learning experiences. Second grade is special time in elementary school when students are still learning to read and still playing on the small playground. Our teachers will help them grow so much throughout the year and they'll be rounding the hallway to the "big kid side" of the building in no time! 

Campus News and Announcements

Car Signs

Campus issued car signs must be present when you pick your child up in either car line after school. If you do not have a car sign, we will ask you to park and check-in with the front office so they can check your ID and ensure you are able to pick-up the student. IF you need to add an emergency contact for pick-up purposes please email with the first name, last name, email and phone number of the individual. 

IF you need additional car signs, please email

Progress Reports post Wednesday

The first 6-weeks Progress Reports will post to Skyward on Wednesday, Sept. 27th. You will receive an email from Skyward when the progress reports are available. Thank you for taking the time to look through your child's progress. 

Book Vending Machine

We have many students who completed their Summer Reading Challenge! Any returning GES star students who maintained their reading level from the end of last year into August of this year get to pick a book from our book machine! Last week we started with Kindergarten, 1st grade, and 3rd grade students who met their Summer Challenge! We had the following percentage of students who maintained their reading level over the summer:

Our staff is still finishing individual reading assessments for all our students and we look forward to celebrating our 2nd, 4th, and 5th grade students soon! 

Thank You from Nurse Lindsey

Thank you to the wonderful parents of GES for ALL the donations for the clinic! I truly appreciate everything and it certainly makes my job a little bit easier!

~Nurse Lindsey

Campus Activities and Events

This is a live Google Calendar that we will keep updated throughout the year with campus activities. Click the calendar to open it up so you can switch to week or month view and look at future dates. Please check back frequently for new additions. 

PTA Announcements

Torchys Spirit Day Tuesday

Taco Tuesday! Please stop by Torchys Euless anytime on Tuesday, September 26th- breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner (10 AM - 10 PM).  Be sure to tell them you are with GES and 15% of your order total will be donated to GES PTA.  Thanks for your support! 

Walk and Roll to School 2023 

Walk & Roll to School Day is Wednesday, October 4, 2023. As part of GES tradition, we will meet at Glade Landing Park, beginning at 6:45 am. After taking a group picture, we will begin walking (or rolling) to school around 7:15am as one big group! We hope to see you there!  Thanks to Environmental Chair Elyse Habenicht for planning this year's Walk & Roll! 

Reflections Art Contest

Calling all GES student creators! You are invited to participate in the Reflections Art Contest.  The 2023 - 2024 theme is "I am hopeful because. . ." Find out more information at and email any questions to Art in Education Coordinator Sarah Powell at

Dads and Doors October 4th

GES Dads' Club hosts Dads and Doors the first Wednesday of every month.  GES Dads are invited to check in at the secure vestibule and help greet students and open car doors for morning drop off beginning at 7:20 AM. Thanks to all the dads who participate in this as we know it is an awesome way for students to start their day! 

Check Folders for Carnival Information

We are so excited that Carnival is less than a month away! Our official Carnival flyer and pre-order form will be coming home in folders later this week so be on the look-out.  Pre-orders for Star Cards and Meat U Anywhere BBQ will also go live on our website this weekend.  We hope you plan to join us for this fun family event! 

Carnival Sponsor Byrd Electric

Thank you to Lion Level Carnival Sponsor Byrd Electric.  Clint Byrd is a former GES Dad, neighborhood resident, and long time supporter of GES PTA. You can Find The Bryd Electric website here.  Byrd Electric, thanks for once again supporting GES! 

Carnival Sponsor Dr. J With Stellar Smiles Ortho

Many of our GES Stars are patients of Dr. J with Stellar Smiles Ortho and we appreciate them serving as a Lion Level Carnival Sponsor this year. You can find their website here.  Thank you so much, Dr.J! 

Carnival Sponsor Classic Chevrolet

Classic Chevrolet has been supporting GES PTA for several years and we are so thankful for their continued partnership this year as a Monkey Level Sponsor of Carnival.  You can find their website here.  Thank you, Classic Chevrolet for all you do for GES PTA! 

Carnival Sponsor The Hill Family 

We would like to thank Monkey Level Carnival Sponsor and GES family, Adam & Lyndsey Hill and their 4 kids for all of the time, effort, and generosity they have provided to the GES Community. Their continuous contributions over the years is what makes GES special and we're so lucky to have them as a part of our school. 

Carnival Sponsor The UPS Store 6155

Shoutout to Monkey Level Carnival Sponsors Todd & Lisa Spaide and The UPS Store 6155 at 2140 Hall Johnson Road in Grapevine.  Our students know Lisa as Coach Spaide and we are so grateful to have her at GES as our Assistant PE Teacher! Check out their UPS Store website here. Thank you Spaide Family and UPS Store 6155! 


Red Rail Football 2023

Repeated Information

Zootique Volunteers Needed

The Zootique is ready for it's September opening! We made some adjustments to the schedule based on timing last month. We have split up the grade levels into the last 2 Fridays of the month. We would love to have Volunteers help us run the Zootique so we can effectively get through each grade level in 45-60 minutes. Last month several members of our PTA board supported the Leadership Team as we rolled around the building. It was great fun to work with the students and teach some financial literacy as they decided to save or spend their Zoo Bucks! IF you have completed your background check and would like to volunteer to help at one or more grade levels this month, we would love to have you! You can sign-up HERE

Parent/Teacher Conferences

Thank you to all the families who have signed up for Parent/Teacher Conferences. Our hope is to meet with 100% of our families before the end of September. Your partnership in your child's education is very important to us. We appreciate you taking time to come meet with us about your child's beginning of the year scores and how we can support them this school year. 

Clubs After School

Please help us by reminding your student if they have an after school club. You might choose to write them a reminder in their behavior calendar on the days they have a club. This would help the teacher have an awareness and your student to remember at the end of the day. We also make announcements on KGES each morning. We have many students going to a variety of clubs each day and this is one way to help them remember. 

Wild Wednesdays

To go along with our school theme this year, we invite our students to join the staff in participating in Wild Wednesdays this year. They may choose to wear something with animal print or an animal on it. This is purely optional and just something fun for students and staff as we remember the importance of our school theme throughout the year: Wild about Engagement! 

GES Yearbooks on Sale

Order your yearbook early and save! As with everything else, we have been hit with a price increase on yearbooks this year too. But you can still get a little closer to last year’s price if you order by September 30th. See attached flyer for school code and instructions on ordering. If you have any trouble, please reach out to the GES PTA Yearbook Coordinator, Amanda Jernigan, at

GCISD College & Career Night

Join GCISD students and families for the district College & Career Night on October 17th! See the included infographic for details!

Lunch Visitors

Lunch Visitors

Lunch guests will sign-in through our secure vestibule with a valid ID, stop by the front office to check-in and receive a visitor badge, and then meet their GES star at the entrance to the cafeteria. Families will have the option to sit outside in the picnic table area for lunch or in our cafeteria at an empty table near the windows. Parents are welcome to bring in outside food when having their lunch with their child. We ask that you please be courteous to the rest of the community and limit lunch visits with your child to no more than one per month so that all families have the opportunity to visit. We appreciate your cooperation. 

Each family needs only 1 slot reserved. For example, Mom, Dad, and sister may all come eat lunch with Nancy. Only Mom needs to be registered as 1 visitor to reserve 1 picnic table together. When it asks for quantity of visitors, please select just 1. Lunch visitors may only eat with their child or student. You may not invite friends to sit with you when coming for lunch. 

You can sign-up for lunch from August 28-September 29 HERE

You can sign-up for lunch from October 2-31 HERE

PreK: 10:45 - 11:15

Kinder: 11:45 - 12:15

1st: 11:30 - 12:00

2nd: 11:00 - 11:30

3rd: 12:05 - 12:35

4th: 12:55 - 1:25

5th: 12:25 - 12:55



We LOVE our volunteers at GES! This year we are encouraging all families who plan to come to campus and interact with students to go ahead and complete the background check. Volunteers must complete this EACH YEAR beginning in August! It can take 1-2 weeks for your background check to clear. If you plan to be a guest reader, volunteer at a class party, chaperone a field trip, volunteer with PTA, open car doors with our Dad's Club, etc. you will need a completed Background Check!  

The following link takes you to the online Volunteer Handbook and background check: 

In order to volunteer at GES, or around GCISD, all volunteers must:

When you are ready to volunteer at GES, feel free to call the front office at 817-251-5735 to verify that both of the required steps have been recorded as completed. We appreciate your support as you complete these steps and volunteer to work with our GES students.

GES Contact Sheet

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