Grapevine Elementary

Monday Message

GES Families,

Kids Heart Challenge started Friday after a wonderful kick off Assembly and celebration of our two heart heros, Jonas and Willow Robinson! Our goal is to have 200 of our families join our team and raise $17,500 for the American Heart Association. As of right now, we have raised $4,950, have 62 students registered. In case you missed the email, you can download the AHA Schools app for iPhone or Android or CLICK HERE to register online.

Any student that raises $150 will get to pour a cup of Glitter Slime on Coach Basil or Principal Hale! 

Congratulations! These students have already earned GLITTER SLIME!

Lloux P, Elia M, Isabella B, Cadence W, Lily W, Abigail C, Lily P, Logan W, Madison G, Max R, Waylon P, Brady F

All my best,

Mrs. Hale and Coach Basil

Meet the 3rd Grade Team

Mrs. Bailey Mrs. Stephenson Mrs. Farish Mrs. Patterson

Third grade is a big year for our star students! They get to start changing teachers and round the hall to the "big kid" side of the building. In 3rd grade students also make a huge shift from learning how to read to reading to learn. Mrs. Bailey and Mrs. Stephenson team together, as do Mrs. Farish and Mrs. Patterson. Most importantly, they all work together to plan and support our star students in third grade!  

Campus News and Announcements

No School Monday

Students and staff have a holiday weekend coming up! We hope you enjoy the extra day with your students. We will see everyone back on Tuesday, Oct. 10th. 

Wild Wednesdays

To go along with our school theme this year, we invite our students to join the staff in participating in Wild Wednesdays this year. They may choose to wear something with animal print or an animal on it. This is purely optional and just something fun for students and staff as we remember the importance of our school theme throughout the year: Wild about Engagement! 

Book Vending Machine

Last week we were able to call our 5th graders, as well as some of our 2nd and 4th grade students who met their Summer Challenge to the Book Vending Machine! Some teachers are still working on getting individual reading levels for all their students and hope to be completed this week! We want to give a shout-out to our PTA who helps fund the books that we're able to purchase for our machine. 

We had the following percentage of students who maintained their reading level over the summer:

October is Dyslexia Awareness Month

Students are encouraged to wear red on Friday, October 6. 

Did you know:

Myth vs Fact:

Myth #1Reading and writing letters backwards (such as the b and d) are the main signs of dyslexia.

FactSome kids with dyslexia reverse letters...but some don’t. Letter reversal is NOT a sure sign of dyslexia. Letter reversals are actually developmentally appropriate until around 7-8 years old.

Myth #2:  Dyslexia can be outgrown.

FactPeople with dyslexia will continue to face challenges throughout their lives. However, intervention and good multi-sensory instruction will go a long way in helping your child with reading issues.

October Character Quality & Star Student of the Month

In GCISD, and in alignment with the state, monthly character qualities are highlighted in guidance lessons. Homeroom students are also selected by homeroom teachers for each monthly character quality to have demonstrated that trait in a big way or having made a large amount of growth in demonstrating that trait. This month is RESPONSIBILITY! Families can partner with GES staff by reviewing connection ideas HERE! PreK through fifth grade newsletters are included; scroll through to find your Stars' grade level. Please let Mrs. Horn know if you have any questions at this time at or 817-251-5740.

Campus Activities and Events

This is a live Google Calendar that we will keep updated throughout the year with campus activities. Click the calendar to open it up so you can switch to week or month view and look at future dates. Please check back frequently for new additions. 

PTA Announcements

Walk & Roll to School this Wednesday

Walk & Roll to School Day is Wednesday, October 4, 2023. As part of GES tradition, we will meet at Glade Landing Park, beginning at 6:45 am. After taking a group picture, we will begin walking (or rolling) to school around 7:15am as one big group! We hope to see you there!  Thanks to Environmental Chair Elyse Habenicht for planning this year's Walk & Roll! 

Dads and Doors October 4th 

GES Dads' Club hosts Dads and Doors the first Wednesday of every month.  GES Dads are invited to check in at the secure vestibule and help greet students and open car doors for morning drop off beginning at 7:20 AM.  Dads participating in Walk and Roll are welcome to help with doors once they have arrived at GES and checked-in at the secure vestibule. Thanks to all the dads who participate in this as we know it is an awesome way for students to start their day! 

Carnival Pre-Sales Live Now! 

We are so excited that Carnival is coming up on October 21st! Our official Carnival flyer and pre-order form was sent home in folders Friday. These forms are due back to homeroom teachers by Friday, October 13th. We hope you plan to join us for this fun family event! Meat U Anywhere is pre-order only and donating 25% of their sales to GES, so please be sure to get your orders in! 

Order Carnival Star Cards Here 

Order Meat U Anywhere BBQ Here

Check out our Carnival Information Page Here 

Skip the Line and Sign your Ninja Obstacle Course Waiver Here 

Carnival Volunteers Needed

Carnival is only possible with the help of amazing volunteers willing to run booths during the event. Parents, grandparents, staff members, PTA members, and teenagers looking to fulfill volunteer hours are all welcome to volunteer! Click the links below to sign up:

Spirit Wear Deliveries

We are so excited to announce that our spirit wear pre-orders are in.  Spirit Wear Coordinator Kelli Carpenter has been hard at work organizing them.  They will be sent home soon so please be on the lookout. Thanks for supporting our 2023 spirit wear sales!

Carnival Sponsor UBC

Thank you to Tiger Level Sponsor Level Carnival Sponsor UBC.  Their generous donation is helping make our main attraction, the Obstacle Warrior Ninja Course, possible. GES dad Mark Woolery serves as Managing Director at UBC.  Huge thanks to UBC and the Woolery Family for this donation. 

Carnival Sponsor Derm Delivered PLLC

Thank you to Lion Level Carnival Sponsor Derm DeliveredDerm Delivered is a mobile veterinary dermatology consulting business. Their website can be found here.  Thanks to GES mom Dr. Jacqueline Gimmler for your sponsorship! 

Carnival Sponsor Genius Digital Marketing

Thank you to Lion Level Carnival Sponsor Genius Digital Marketing. Genius Digital Marketing is a digital marketing collective founded by GES dad Aaron Metzger. You can find their website here. Thank you Genius Digital Marketing and Metzger family for your support! 


2023 GCISD Holiday Greeting Card Art Contest

All elementary, middle, and high school students are invited to submit original artwork for the cover of GCISD’s official holiday greeting card. This year’s theme is "Joy in Serving."  Three student designs—one each from the elementary, middle, and high school levels—will be selected and sent out on behalf of the GCISD Board of Trustees and Superintendent Dr. Brad Schnautz. Cards are sent to community leaders, area businesses, organizations, and other school districts.

Each student will submit their artwork to their campus art teacher or other designee. Each school will select campus-based winners whose art will then be submitted to the district level for final selection. Each high school will choose up to 10 finalists; each middle school will choose up to 5 finalists; and each elementary will choose up to 3 finalists. Final designs for the cover will be selected by the Superintendent and his designees based on originality, the theme, use of the elements of art, and overall design.

The three students whose works are selected for the GCISD Holiday Greeting Card will receive $25 and recognition at the December meeting of the Board of Trustees. The selected artwork will be featured on the district’s website and used in district publicity.

The entry form is here

New GCISD Mobile App 

Did you know that GCISD has a new mobile app to help our community know what is happening on campus? The app lets you read the latest announcements, review upcoming events and find important documents. If you haven't already, download the app and subscribe to your student’s campus! 

2023-2024 Parent-Student Handbook

The 2023-2024 Parent-Student Handbook is now available! Here is the link

Repeated Information

Car Signs

Campus issued car signs must be present when you pick your child up in either car line after school. If you do not have a car sign, we will ask you to park and check-in with the front office so they can check your ID and ensure you are able to pick-up the student. IF you need to add an emergency contact for pick-up purposes please email with the first name, last name, email and phone number of the individual. 

IF you need additional car signs, please email

Reflections Art Contest

Calling all GES student creators! You are invited to participate in the Reflections Art Contest.  The 2023 - 2024 theme is "I am hopeful because. . ." Find out more information at and email any questions to Art in Education Coordinator Sarah Powell at

Progress Reports post Wednesday

The first 6-weeks Progress Reports will post to Skyward on Wednesday, Sept. 27th. You will receive an email from Skyward when the progress reports are available. Thank you for taking the time to look through your child's progress. 

GCISD College & Career Night

Join GCISD students and families for the district College & Career Night on October 17th! See the included infographic for details!

Lunch Visitors

Lunch Visitors

Lunch guests will sign-in through our secure vestibule with a valid ID, stop by the front office to check-in and receive a visitor badge, and then meet their GES star at the entrance to the cafeteria. Families will have the option to sit outside in the picnic table area for lunch or in our cafeteria at an empty table near the windows. Parents are welcome to bring in outside food when having their lunch with their child. We ask that you please be courteous to the rest of the community and limit lunch visits with your child to no more than one per month so that all families have the opportunity to visit. We appreciate your cooperation. 

Each family needs only 1 slot reserved. For example, Mom, Dad, and sister may all come eat lunch with Nancy. Only Mom needs to be registered as 1 visitor to reserve 1 picnic table together. When it asks for quantity of visitors, please select just 1. Lunch visitors may only eat with their child or student. You may not invite friends to sit with you when coming for lunch. 

You can sign-up for lunch from August 28-September 29 HERE

You can sign-up for lunch from October 2-31 HERE

PreK: 10:45 - 11:15

Kinder: 11:45 - 12:15

1st: 11:30 - 12:00

2nd: 11:00 - 11:30

3rd: 12:05 - 12:35

4th: 12:55 - 1:25

5th: 12:25 - 12:55



We LOVE our volunteers at GES! This year we are encouraging all families who plan to come to campus and interact with students to go ahead and complete the background check. Volunteers must complete this EACH YEAR beginning in August! It can take 1-2 weeks for your background check to clear. If you plan to be a guest reader, volunteer at a class party, chaperone a field trip, volunteer with PTA, open car doors with our Dad's Club, etc. you will need a completed Background Check!  

The following link takes you to the online Volunteer Handbook and background check: 

In order to volunteer at GES, or around GCISD, all volunteers must:

When you are ready to volunteer at GES, feel free to call the front office at 817-251-5735 to verify that both of the required steps have been recorded as completed. We appreciate your support as you complete these steps and volunteer to work with our GES students.

GES Contact Sheet

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