Grapevine Elementary

Monday Message

Dear GES Families,

We are excited to share a new opportunity with you as we continue to encourage our students to become avid readers! Nothing Bundt Cakes is partnering with local schools to provide students an incentive for reading nightly! Research shows the success of students who spend 20 minutes each night reading. Through the Books and Bundts program, we want to continue to encourage and promote nightly reading for our star students! 

Simply complete this FORM showing 400 minutes read each month for homework and take it to our local Nothing Bundt Cake in Southlake to redeem for a free Bundtlet! Printed copies are available in our secure vestibule or may be requested through your homeroom teacher if needed. Thank you for continuing to encourage your child to spend time reading every night! 

All my best,

Nancy Hale

Campus News and Announcements

One School One Book Update

This week our students had the opportunity to visit the Learning Commons and engage in Wedgie and Gizmo Makerspaces. They had the chance to draw Wedgie or Gizmo, build an EcoHabitat, or read to the Guinea pigs! They even had the chance to vote for their favorite character! We can't wait to see who the GES favorite will be! 

We also had another classroom win a visit from Gizmo. Congratulations to Mrs. Leu's class who won our trivia slips challenge count on Tuesday, Jan. 23rd. The had the most slips turned in out of all our homeroom classes. Gizmo visited their classroom on Thursday! 

We are looking forward to finishing our book this week and our author visit on Friday, Feb. 2nd! Thanks so much for reading along with us and we hope your family enjoyed the time together focused on reading! 

If you have lost your slips or need another set, you can find them HERE

Animal Shelter Donations

In honor of our beloved OSOB characters, Wedgie and Gizmo, our Student Council has organized a donation drive for the Grapevine Animal Shelter. They are collecting donations in the GES foyer over the next 2 weeks that they will deliver to the shelter on Saturday, Feb. 17th. We would love your family's support if you're able! Some of the needed items include: 

Glow Dance Thank You

Thank you to everyone who came out and supported the GLOW Dance on Friday! We want to especially give a shout-out to our 5th grade Coordinator, Sarah Powell, and all our PTA leaders and parents who volunteered or donated items for this awesome event! We had a fantastic turnout and the kids had a blast! All of the proceeds from the Glow Dance go towards our 5th Grade Graduation and Celebration! This was just another glowing example of the amazing community we have here at GES!

February Lunch Sign-up

If you would like to come visit your child during lunch and eat with them in our cafeteria or on our front patio picnic tables, please reserve a time on our February Sign-up Genius HERE. You will always find the current month sign-up at the very bottom of this Monday Message for easy access. 

100th Day of School

This Friday, Feb. 2 we will celebrate the 100th Day of School! Our teachers and staff are busy preparing for a fun Friday of activities with our students. Check out the grade level newsletters for specific plans for your child's class! 

Closed Campus - Feb. 6

On Tuesday, Feb. 6th, our 3rd and 5th grade students will be taking a STAAR Field Test as required by TEA. We will be a closed campus that day, meaning we cannot have any visitors or volunteers. This includes guest readers, copy room volunteers, lunch visitors, etc. 

Update on Class Parties

This year we will not be having PTA Valentine's Parties. Each year according to district regulations we are able to have 2 parties hosted by our PTA for students. Our campus leaders, teachers, and PTA leaders have decided that our 2 parties will be in December and May this year. We celebrated with students before the holidays and the second party run by our homeroom parents will be in conjuction with our End of Year Success Ceremonies. 

Valentine's Day Celebrations

Teachers will be planning fun activities for their students to do related to Valentine's Day throughout the next few weeks. Students are encouraged to bring Valentines cards and/or treats to exchange with their friends. Please do NOT send any peanut products as students will have the opportunity to open their boxes in class. Please refer to your grade level newsletters for specifics in your child's class. 

Save the Date - Book Fair and Lunch with a Loved One

This year we will be hosting Lunch with Loved One in combination with our February Book Fair! This is an opportunity to come eat with your child and shop the Book Fair during lunch hours. Please refer to the February lunch sign-up to let us know if you plan to join. We will have the picnic tables on the patio available (weather permitting) and be setting up additional tables and chairs based on the number of families we have signed up each day. As a friendly reminder, when you come for lunch it is only to sit with your child and to shop the book fair with your child only. We will not be permitting friends to go with other students or families to the book fair.

We hope you will be able to join us! 

Book Fair Volunteers Needed

Mrs. Wahpekeche is looking for volunteers to help support our Book Fair the week of Feb. 12-15. We need parents who are willing to help set-up, run cash machines, help students while shopping, and clean-up. If you have completed your Background Check and are able to volunteer, please sign up HERE

Campus Activities and Events

This is a live Google Calendar that we will keep updated throughout the year with campus activities. Click the calendar to open it up so you can switch to week or month view and look at future dates. Please check back frequently for new additions. 

PTA Announcements

GES Talent Show Auditions

2nd - 5th grade students are invited to participate in our 2024 Talent Show! Guardians of interested students must fill out this form by February 10th.  Please read the entire form for all details. 

Family Art Night & PTA Meeting

Please join us on Wednesday, February 7th at 6:30 PM in the GES cafeteria for a brief general PTA meeting and Family Art Night! Art in Education Coordinator Sarah Powell wll have arts and crafts for families to do together! 

Opportunity for Fifth Grade Students

Fifth grade students are invited to emcee a part of Talent Show and help with concessions.  Be on the lookout in student folders for permission slips which are due February 20th. 

Submit a STEAM Fair Project

Our 2024 STEAM Fair will be Thursday, February 15th at 6:30 PM in the GES Cafeteria. All students are invited and welcome to participate by submitting their own project highlighting a STEAM category.  Everyone in the GES community is welcome to come and observe and interact with the student submissions and the STEAM stations.  If you'd like to participate please email Vanessa at before February 9th. 

Please Submit January Volunteer Hours 

Did you open car doors, help at Glow Dance, deliver Capital Improvement items, buy items to stock the staff fridge, set up cocoa for staff, help with Destination Imagination, read with students, shelf books, volunteer in classrooms, help prepare for Valentine Boxes with a loved one? We know many GES community members volunteered in the month of January. Please be sure to submit your volunteer hours here by February 5th. 

Glow Dance Thank You  

GES PTA would like to thank everyone who attended Glow Dance.  It was a very successful fundraiser for the fifth grade committee.  Special thanks to Fifth Grade Coordinator Sarah Powell for coordinating the event and to all the volunteers who set up, painted faces, sold concessions, worked check-in, cleaned up, and made the fun possible! 

Nominating Committee Volunteers Needed 

PTA members! We are looking for five members to serve on this year's Nominating Committee to propose the slate of officers for next year. As a reminder, you cannot serve on this committee if you served on it last year. If you are interested in serving on this committee, please send an email to PTA Parliamentarian Lauren May at 


Science Instructional Materials - Community Review and Feedback 

Repeated Information

GCISD Student Transfers

The general and STEM student transfer application window for the 2024-2025 school year will open on Monday, February 5, 2024, at 8 am. Online applications will be accepted through Friday, February 16, 2024, at 4 pm. 

Transfer Window Dates

Window 1: February 5 - February 16 - STEM/General Transfers

Window 2: March 4 - March 22 - STEM/General Transfers

Window 3: June 3 - June 14 - STEM/General Transfers

All students (including employee students) must apply for a transfer if they desire to attend a campus other than their zoned campus and/or when they are moving from the following grades/campuses:

Students who are already approved on a transfer and are not moving to the next transition level do NOT need to submit a transfer request. For more information and to complete an online application on or after Monday, February 5, click here.

IMPORTANT: Please know that incomplete applications (e.g. missing residency documents) will NOT be processed during this round of student transfers. It is very important that families have all the needed documents when submitting transfer applications.

Welcome Back Mrs. Smith

We are excited to welcome back Mrs. Smith on Wednesday to the music classroom. Choir and ensemble will resume next week on Monday, Jan. 29 for choir and Thursday, Feb. 1 for ensemble. 

We have been so fortunate to have Mrs. Powell and we're so thankful for her willingness to jump in and sub for us the past few months. We know we will continue to see her around GES frequently subbing in other classrooms! 

Arrive on Time

Our tardy bell rings at 7:40am and students are expected to be in their classrooms. We begin our KGES announcements immediately after the tardy bell and we want to ensure that all our students hear the announcements and start their day with their classmates. On cold or rainy mornings we tend to have more traffic in our drop-off lines. Please plan ahead and leave a few minutes earlier so your students arrive at school on time. 

Join Remind

Are you getting our campus Remind texts? You should automatically get them if your phone number is up to date in Skyward and NOT marked as private. If you aren't receiving messages, you can join by sending @gesgcisd to 81010. 

Lunch Visitors

Lunch Visitors

Lunch guests will sign-in through our secure vestibule with a valid ID, stop by the front office to check-in and receive a visitor badge, and then meet their GES star at the entrance to the cafeteria. Families will have the option to sit outside in the picnic table area for lunch or in our cafeteria at an empty table near the windows. Parents are welcome to bring in outside food when having their lunch with their child. We ask that you please be courteous to the rest of the community and limit lunch visits with your child to no more than one per month so that all families have the opportunity to visit. We appreciate your cooperation. 

Each family needs only 1 slot reserved. For example, Mom, Dad, and sister may all come eat lunch with Nancy. Only Mom needs to be registered as 1 visitor to reserve 1 picnic table together. When it asks for quantity of visitors, please select just 1. Lunch visitors may only eat with their child or student. You may not invite friends to sit with you when coming for lunch. 

You can sign-up for lunch from January 4-31 HERE.

You can sign-up for lunch from Feb. 1 - 29 HERE

PreK: 10:45 - 11:15

Kinder: 11:45 - 12:15

1st: 11:30 - 12:00

2nd: 11:00 - 11:30

3rd: 12:05 - 12:35

4th: 12:55 - 1:25

5th: 12:25 - 12:55



We LOVE our volunteers at GES! This year we are encouraging all families who plan to come to campus and interact with students to go ahead and complete the background check. Volunteers must complete this EACH YEAR beginning in August! It can take 1-2 weeks for your background check to clear. If you plan to be a guest reader, volunteer at a class party, chaperone a field trip, volunteer with PTA, open car doors with our Dad's Club, etc. you will need a completed Background Check!  

The following link takes you to the online Volunteer Handbook and background check: 

In order to volunteer at GES, or around GCISD, all volunteers must:

When you are ready to volunteer at GES, feel free to call the front office at 817-251-5735 to verify that both of the required steps have been recorded as completed. We appreciate your support as you complete these steps and volunteer to work with our GES students.

GES Contact Sheet

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