12th Grade

        Academic and Career Planning

Go - Career Management

Reflective Questions to Ask Senior Year:


1. How much do I anticipate my post-secondary education might cost and how will I pay for it?

2. What are my current plans and choices? Do I need to adjust anything?

3.  If you want to become college-ready, what are some benchmarks you have already achieved?  What are some you have not?  What are some action steps that you can take to accomplish these benchmarks?

4.  If you want to become career-ready, what are some benchmarks you have already achieved?  What are some you have not?  What are some action steps that you can take to accomplish these benchmarks?

Grade 12 Outcomes

Go/Do It!

Things To Do:

Lessons To Complete In Xello:

Just For Fun!

Check out these fun personality quizzes:

Personality Test - What kind of persomity type are you?  Learn how it influences many areas of your life.

12th Grade Resources