Studio in Art

Studio in Art is open to ALL STUDENTS, 9th-12th grade!

This course is one of our two 9th-grade eligible classes! Studio Art explores lots of concepts using the Elements and Principles of art! Students are encouraged to see and think creatively and artistically! Materials used include acrylic paint, printmaking, clay, pastel, pencil, Adobe Photoshop and mixed media. Topics include color, creating value/form, composition, perspective, and art history. This course satisfies the 1-credit high school Art/Music requirement and is a prerequisite to most other classes.

FULL-Year / 1-credit.

Projects Include





More Images from Studio in Art!

A Variety of Printmaking Pieces

Ceramic Tile

Marker and Pastels

Marker and pastel contour drawing.

A view from our Studio Art Show in 2019


Pencil Drawing

Mixed-media (cut paper, marker, transparent surface)