Digital Art & Design

Digital Art & Design is open to ALL STUDENTS, 9th-12th grade!

This course is one of our two 9th-grade eligible classes! Digital Art & Design is a computer-driven art course, where students learn and create with Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. Students are introduced to the basics of art and design while creating digital works. Topics include graphic design, working with text, image manipulation, expression and art history. This course satisfies the 1-credit high school Art/Music requirement.

FULL-Year / 1-credit.

Projects Include

Digital Collage

Logo Design

Photo Manipulation

Poster Design

More Images from Digital Art & Design

Digital Collage (created using Adobe Photoshop)

Movie Poster (created using Adobe Illustrator)

Movie Poster (created using Adobe Illustrator)

Students work in our Graphic Design Lab.

Poster Design

Digital Illustration