Advanced 2D Art & IB 11/12

Advanced 2D Art & IB 11/12 is open to ANY 11th/12th grade students looking to take an advanced, exciting art course!

Experience in previous Art courses is encouraged but not required! The ADV Art 2D Visual Arts course is designed to allow students the opportunity to create, high level, personally meaningful 2-D artwork. By participating in the creative process within a structured studio environment, students will work towards a personal exhibit. The course covers advanced expressive qualities, techniques and skills in a wide array of fields, with students choosing from a wide-range of processes, like drawing, painting, photography, fashion design, illustration, bookmaking, printmaking, and graphic design. Coursework is geared towards quality, college-readiness level of creation!! The IB/DP examination can be a component of a student's 12th grade exhibit!

FULL-Year / 1-credit.

Student work from ADV Art 2D-IB 11/12

Acrylic Paint

Digital Illustration : The Memory Project

Mixed Media Illustration

Mixed Media & Styles: Studies

Oil Painting

Charcoal Drawing


Oil Painting

Mixed Media Illustration

Nicole with her amazing oil painting, "Purify," on display at R.I.T.